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  • hey even i am facing the same problem…
    user gets the email with the activation link but after clicking on the link, he/she gets redirected to the activation page where the user is asked to enter the activation key.

    how can i resolve this?

    even i am facing the same problem.. as soon as a user clicks on the activation link, he/she is redirected to a page where it asks for activation key… how can i solve this problem… i dont want the user to autologin after activation..
    thanks in advance.. :)

    Me, four.


    @r-a-y : after installing the email login plugin, i was able to login using my email address without activating my account. I need the activation thing.. is there a solution for it?

    $data = bp_get_profile_field_data( ‘field=Country’ ) ;
    echo “Country:”. $data;

    It worked perfect!
    Thanks :)

    @liesl1698 paste it in your theme’s functions.php

    thanks @ousep and @r-a-y :D

    I found a way to accomplish it…
    Paste this piece of code in your theme functions file..

    `// Stop user accounts logging in that have not been activated (user_status = 2)
    function bp_core_signup_disable_inactive_modified( $auth_obj, $username ) {
    global $bp, $wpdb;

    if ( !$user_id = bp_core_get_userid( $username ) )
    return $auth_obj;

    $user_status = (int) $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT user_status FROM $wpdb->users WHERE ID = %d”, $user_id ) );

    if ( 2 == $user_status )
    header(“Location:”.get_site_url().”/login?err=not-activated”); /*Your Custom Message*/
    return $auth_obj;
    add_filter( ‘authenticate’, ‘bp_core_signup_disable_inactive_modified’, 30, 2 );

    @r-a-y thanks a ton

    This Would work….

    `global $bp;
    $loggedin_user_id = $bp->loggedin_user->userdata->ID;
    $other_user_id = bp_get_member_user_id();
    if($loggedin_user_id == $other_user_id){
    $check_string = ‘its_me’ ;
    $check_string = friends_check_friendship_status( $loggedin_user_id,$other_user_id);
    if ( $check_string == ‘is_friend’ ) {
    /*Your Code Here*/
    if ( $check_string == ‘not_friends’ ) {
    /*Your Code Here*/
    if ( $check_string == ‘pending’ ) {
    /*Your Code Here*/
    if ( $check_string == ‘its_me’ ) {
    /*Your Code Here*/

    You can also use this
    $other_user_id = $bp->displayed_user->id ;
    for the other user id

    @21cdb and @lucianop were u guys able to resize the avatars?

    i found what i needed.. the function which i was searching for was

    did you create a search.php file?

    @ewebber : thanks.. :D

    btw @Dwenaus the code worked perfectly fine otherwise…

    @Dwenaus , i have the same problem which @ibn.nadir had..
    there are no error messages appearing after the redirection. How to get that message appear?


    @sbrajesh Thanks for information. Your code worked perfectly!

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