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  • JohnnyJonJon


    Thanks for the feedback guys- I tracked the issue down to a piece of jquery in the theme’s custom.js file line 289 – 292:

    $(".submit").click(function () {

    Commenting this out fixes the issue. Not sure why this global takeover for the submit is in the theme, but it just happened the buddypress form also has a div with the same class. Not sure how disabling affects the other forms and such for the theme itself, but at least BP registration works again!

    Thanks, Jon



    thanks for the feedback. I wondered about a couple things. I guess with HTML5, it’s no longer recommended the form action be blank (the buddypress form contains action=””) due to unpredictable browser behavior. I tested this by editing html in the browser and submitting but didn’t seem to make a difference:

    Another buddypress bug I found here that seems to be the issue I’m experiencing.. but it was patched in 2.0.1 and I’m running 2.0.2.. Could this be related in some way? I’m having problems figuring this out..



    FYI, due to time constrains just had to edit source: line 1235 on /buddypress/bp-groups/bp-groups-classes.php – display_name ASC

    $members = $wpdb->get_results( apply_filters( ‘bp_group_members_user_join_filter’, $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT m.user_id, m.date_modified, m.is_banned, u.user_login, u.user_nicename, u.user_email, pd.value as display_name FROM {$bp->groups->table_name_members} m, {$wpdb->users} u, {$bp->profile->table_name_data} pd WHERE u.ID = m.user_id AND u.ID = pd.user_id AND pd.field_id = 1 AND group_id = %d AND is_confirmed = 1 {$banned_sql} {$exclude_admins_sql} {$exclude_sql} ORDER BY display_name ASC {$pag_sql}”, $group_id ) ) );
    } else {
    $members = $wpdb->get_results( apply_filters( ‘bp_group_members_user_join_filter’, $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT m.user_id, m.date_modified, m.is_banned, u.user_login, u.user_nicename, u.user_email, u.display_name FROM {$bp->groups->table_name_members} m, {$wpdb->users} u WHERE u.ID = m.user_id AND group_id = %d AND is_confirmed = 1 {$banned_sql} {$exclude_admins_sql} {$exclude_sql} ORDER BY display_name ASC {$pag_sql}”, $group_id ) ) );



    p.s. thanks for your help chouf1



    dudes, I feel like a dummy… this resolved my issue:

    add_filter(‘wp_mail_from’, ‘new_mail_from’);
    add_filter(‘wp_mail_from_name’, ‘new_mail_from_name’);

    function new_mail_from($old) {
    return ’’;
    function new_mail_from_name($old) {
    return ‘Name and Stuff & Stuff’;



    Man, this is a real thorn in my side here.. I cannot get this to work – tried translating the site name to both & and & amp ; plus, I’m now running the latest BP and WP – anything else I can try? Seems like a bug..

    Thanks, Jon



    Chouf1, thanks for following me on this topic… Not sure what I’m doing wrong here.. I updated to BP 1.7 stable (I’m also running latest WP), did some tests with notifications and am still get the & amp ; in just the display name of the email (subject is still fine). I reversed the translations that I did in the language files for site name to add & amp ; to no avail… One thing I didn’t try is add a translation to just Name & Name – I’ll try that now.

    Regarding your question, I’ve tried to add & amp ; to the site title in general settings and it’s always converted to just &. In the source, it’s output as & amp ;. Not sure how to proceed to fix.. I’ll try the above-



    sorry, I can never post any code here not sure why..



    Ok – thanks – I didn’t realize 1.7 was official – I will update. The From name is where I’m having the problem, for example A&P Site – just the display name on the email – nowhere else am I have the problem.

    Anyway, thanks – I will update and see if this resolves it-



    chouf1 – thanks for the info. I added a translation as you suggested (with &), but still have no luck. These emails are being generated by the notification area of buddy press 1.7 beta 1. The name has the & but the subject does not – i.e.:

    subject name & name comes through just fine

    So, it’s only happening in the from name, and is not consistent – I assume it’s using the same field as site name?

    Thanks, Jon



    Hi, I’m also still having this issue… My site name Texas A&M etc… becomes Texas A&M etc.. in buddypress emails. I’m running BP 1.7 beta 1 and latest WP.



    Here’s a screenshot of the /members/groups/group(single)/ page with the repeating menu below:

    Thanks, Jon



    Having trouble posting code…I posted a screenshot here: The problem is the top level of tabs on this page (home, members, admin, etc) repeat after the members loop several times in some cases, and is caused by bp_has_groups(), which I can fix by removing this loop (starting at //output groups.

    Thanks, Jon



    Sorry – yes, v. 1.7 beta 1, using bp-default but with slight mods in a child theme, the code here being one example.

    Thanks, Jon



    Hey there – I’m still getting weird /wp-admin/groups issues, but the ghost members issue I was talking about were caused by a plugin that deleted the member but not the member in the members_groups table. I just cleaned up the _members_groups and _groupsmeta tables to remove missing wp_users.

    The weirdness in /wp-admin/groups issue is that admins are not showing and also cannot be added, some members are not showing up as well.



    Thanks for the quick response. I’m running 1.7-beta1. I reset to bp-default and cleared cache, however, the group admin on wp-admin side is weird and still shows no admins with the ‘can’t remove all admins’ error. It also doesn’t show all members, but if I go to the admin on the buddypress side, members I’ve added are there…



    Ok, thanks very much – I was thinking of this incorrectly as a menu to the site, but like you said, this is for the user’s account menu, and other top level things are better served by a site nav.

    Thank again, Jon

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