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  • Buddypress 1.5
    I have the same wordpres one with buddypres 1.3
    and the other with buddypress 1.5
    In both of them I installed Bp Profile search, but in the 1.3 version i also have an adress to search, wich works perfect. But this adress is not in the 1.5 version.

    Any idea…?

    Hi. The same problem…. @zfrost Could you solve it?
    Sometimes the ads appear and sometimes not. I tried most of the plugins for adding google adsense to wordpress, and no ones works fine.
    I also tried to put the code in to the right sidebar with html text and nothing…
    Any idea?

    Hi, I have the same problem. Sometimes the ads appear and sometimes not. I tried most of the plugins for adding google adsesnse to wordpress, and no ones works fine.
    I also tried to put the code in to the right sidebar with html text and nothing…
    Any idea?

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