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  • Pierre from DesignBots


    Hi @shanebp
    Thanks for your recommandations, you’re right.
    I’ve made it working by putting my snippet in bp-custom.php like this:

    * Buddypress template stack adaptation for Blade templating
    * @link 
    * example @link
    * initial one was :
    * /app/public/app/themes/sage/resources/buddypress
    // will return something like '/app/public/app/themes/sage/resources/views';
    function md_bp_blade_register_template_location() {
        // return STYLESHEETPATH . '/views/buddypress/';
        return TEMPLATEPATH . '/views';
    // replace bp template parts syntaxe with the template overload from sage Blade types
    // see:
    function md_blade_replace_template( $templates, $slug, $name ) {
        // Overload the bp template
    	$templates = array(); // empty it
        if ( isset( $name ) ) {  
            $templates[] = $slug . '-' . $name . '.blade.php'; 
        else {
            $templates[] = $slug . '.blade.php';
        return $templates;
    add_action( 'bp_init', function () {
    	//error_log("bp init loaded");
    	// custom url stacks for blade '/views' folder
    	// working but Blade Syntax is not interpreted ...
        if( function_exists( 'bp_register_template_stack' ) ) {
            bp_register_template_stack( 'md_bp_blade_register_template_location', 1 );
        // we also have to filter the render file extension (.blade.php) 
       // for Buddypress components tpl parts
    	add_filter( 'bp_get_template_part', 'md_blade_replace_template', 10, 3 );
    	//add_action( 'bp_locate_template', 'md_blade_locate_template', 1, 6);

    But this technique doesn’t work with bp ajax for example when bp groups loop is reloaded with ajax

    I’m sure there is something to do with bp_locate_template() or bp_locate_template_and_load()
    to inject correctly my buddypress templates in the_content from mytheme/resources/views/buddypress (instead of mytheme/resources/buddypress/)

    By the way i’m using the Sage starter theme

    Any idea?

    Pierre from DesignBots


    i can’t post my snippet on this forum … weird
    here is my gist :

    Hi @snd26,
    Thanks for sharing.

    Here is more universal version of your function i use now on a project in a addition with a group meta filter during bp ajax groups loop :

    function custom_is_page($slug) {
        $statement = false;
        if ( is_page( $slug ) ) {
            $statement = true;
        } elseif ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) {
            $referer_page_id = url_to_postid( wp_get_referer() );
            $referer_page = get_post( $referer_page_id );
            if ( $referer_page instanceof WP_Post && $slug === $referer_page->post_name ) {
                $statement = true;
        return $statement;

    I use it in this function :

    add_action('bp_before_groups_loop', 'custom_groups_loop_meta_filter');
    function custom_groups_loop_meta_filter($meta_filter) {
    	if(custom_is_page('groups-movies')) {
    		$meta_filter = new BP_Groups_Meta_Filter( 'group_type', 'movies' );
      		return $meta_filter;

    Note about the previous snippet :
    If html still doesn’t work, just add this second (and complementary) function in functions.php :

    * Force HTML content type format for wp_mail
    function set_content_type( $content_type ){
      if( empty($content_type) OR $content_type == 'text/plain' ) {
        $content_type = 'text/html';
     return $content_type;
    add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'set_content_type', 1 );

    Did it help you?

    Hi, i’ve a working solution for those like me who did not receive any buddypress email with html format (because there was a 3rd party plugin which was redeclaring wp_mail for eg.), here is the code to put in your functions.php file in your theme :

    * Provide an HTML template for all your BuddyPress emails
    * BuddyPress 2.5 introduced a new stylised HTML email system. 
    * By default the HTML system doesn't work if a 3rd party transactional email plugin is active 
    * (e.g. wpMandrill or SendGrid), and reverts to sending plain text emails.
    * This function allows the stylised BuddyPress HTML emails to be sent using some 3rd party plugin. 
    * It does this by sending the email through wp_mail() rather than directly with PHPMailer.
    * @author Mecanographik
    * inspiration :
    * @link
    add_action( 'init', 'my_prefix_bp_wp_mail_html_filters' );
    function my_prefix_bp_wp_mail_html_filters() {
        add_filter( 'bp_email_use_wp_mail', function( $bool ) { 
          return false;
        }, 10, 1 );

    hope this helps 😉

    Hi, You can check what we’ve done for the French Buddypress community with @imath here :
    Check my profile for example :


    Maybe it’ll still interesting you to know that YOU CAN DO THAT.

    Don’t use the wp’s constant, just edit your functions.php file and your .htacess file :

    here is the code, it works for me !

    How do you call your function ?

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