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Custom Profile (xprofile) data not being saved

  • junger


    Guys, apparently for the past 2 months or so BP has not been saving any text field (or dropdown, for that matter) custom profile information on my site. I took a peek inside wp_bp_xprofile_data and the only info being stored is the username (and some multi-select custom info).

    All of the custom fields exist (in BP and in the DP) but no data is being populated.

    I’m using a normal reg form for registration that hasn’t been edited over these past two months (see here: so I’m wondering if there are any plugins that are known offenders.

    Do you know of any plugins that prevent this info from being stored? Or any other reason why it wouldn’t be working?


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  • junger


    Anybody experiencing this issue?

    When was the last time you looked to see if all your user info was being saved?

    Need more info about your site, themes and plugins to try to help. Also, anything in your web server’s logs when you try to make a change?



    So, for some reason the data is being saved when there is only 1 profile group — when there were multiple, it was not working. However, this presents some issues with managing data that I’d really like to avoid.

    Why would multiple profile field groups cause this?

    Boone Gorges


    If it’s a multiple-group thing, it *might* have to do with your theme. Are you using a custom theme? What is it? Is it a child of BP default? Can you show us the contents of members/single/profile/edit.php?



    Yeah, it’s just the bp-default theme and standard code.

    Here’s that file:

    It works totally fine to edit your profile data (it saves OK), but on registration it doesn’t.



    @boonebgorges Any thoughts here? Could a recent BP or WP update have knocked out running multiple profile reg loops?

    Boone Gorges


    If the problem is with registration only, and you have a custom registration screen, then it almost certainly has something to do with the registration customizations. There have been no changes in BP or WP, to the best of my knowledge, that would cause the problem you describe. But the only way to know for sure is to debug. Start dropping var_dump() statements into the functions in bp-core/bp-core-signup.php to see where things are getting lost.



    Just found a separate thread dealing with this issue, and it certainly seems to be BP related.

    If anyone else is having this issue, adjust code on your register.php file (around line 150) to


    <input type="hidden" name="signup_profile_field_ids" id="signup_profile_field_ids" value="” />


    See the whole thread here:

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