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Google tab is showing an a href link

  • foxden vixen


    I do not know where this is coming from. This is a paid theme – Gamecenter – I don’t know if the theme is doing this or if buddypress is doing this. I need help in figuring out what is causing this. It is showing for profile, groups, messages, etc. Everything that is involved with the buddypress plugin.

    Google tab

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  • @mercime


    @foxden-vixen Most likely, that’s a theme issue, not BuddyPress. To double-check, change theme to Twenty Fourteen or Twenty Thirteen and check if issue does not appear there.

    foxden vixen


    Wonderful, it is my theme. I paid for it so don’t want to scrap it. How can I change this? What should I look for that is causing it?



    @foxden-vixen It might just be that the theme author needs to update the theme to be compatible with the latest WP and BP versions. As we have no access to the premium theme, best place to ask is the theme’s support forums or contact theme author.

    foxden vixen


    I have a feeling that they won’t update it. The theme can be free or paid in 2 tiers. I paid for the developer version. I just might have to scrap it and call it a loss and find another theme that I can work with that will be buddypress and bbPress compatible. Thanks for your help.

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