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How do users make blog posts?

  • hypergripe


    Sorry I can’t figure this out…. I have searched high and low in the forums, but can’t find this simple answer.

    When a user creates an account on my site, and goes to their account/profile – all options for them to interact are there except for making a blog post:

    Here’s all they see:

    * Activity

    * Profile

    * Messages

    * Friends (0)

    * Groups (0)

    * Settings


    * Personal

    * Friends

    * Groups

    * Favorites

    * @member Mentions

    And when clicking Profile, they see:

    * Public

    * Edit Profile

    * Change Avatar

    Is there a way for users to make posts to the main site blog? – I need users to be able to contribute to the main blog as it is the main focus of the site.

    Essentially, my goal is to have users be able to make a blog post while in my site theme (instead of wp-admin) – like they can with posting updates, viewing and editing their profile, etc…

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  • paulhastings0


    If you want your users to make posts to the main blog from the “site theme” and not from the “wp-admin” then you’ll need to use a theme that supports front end posting such as the default buddypress theme or P2.

    Otherwise posting to a blog from the “site theme” is not an option bundled with BuddyPress.



    Thanks Paul!

    I have switched to the default theme, but cannot figure out how a user would make a blog post?? Suggestions?

    Thanks again…



    BTW, I am using WP 2.9.2 and BP 1.2



    Your users have to go to the WP backend of their blog and write a post same as you would.



    Hypergripe, do you mean WPMU instead of WP 2.9.2?

    @itoube he’s using WordPress not WordPress MU.

    question is interesting for me too.




    there are 3 different questions up there

    1) if he’s using WP instead of WPMU then the answer to “How do users make blog posts?” is “they just can’t”. You should use BP with WPMU (not BP + WP) in order for you to enable blog posting by users.

    2) “Is there a way for users to make posts to the main site blog?” – It depends on what Hypergripe means by “main site blog”. One of my installations (BP+WPMU) have two different blogs; a) one belonging to the site owner and b) others for each user. Now, Hypergripe, do you mean enabling your users to post on your blog site referred to in a)?

    3) “my goal is to have users be able to make a blog post while in my site theme” – The answer of Travel-Junkie is right. However, you may have an options: style your WP back-end the same way your BP site is styled (not so very complicated if you are familiar with CSS)


    if he’s using WP instead of WPMU then the answer to “How do users make blog posts?” is “they just can’t”.

    they can do blog posts. just change the user role and they post. He is not talking about giving blogs to users. He is talking about writing to site as a writer.





    I believe this is what you are looking for:


    I’m not asking here anything. I’m not the owner of this thread. it’s just interesting for me. the plugin you mentioned is not related with this thread either.



    Anyone have a solution for this ,

    I also want my users to be able to login , and be able to make posts within the front end and not going into the back-end where it looks very admin-ish.

    Also integrating Wp-filebase is very important for me.



    When you say blog post you mean more than just updating the front page activity stream? (as seen here: )

    You mean actually writing a blog post?

    There’s 2 ways you might go about doing it.

    1. In your blog dashboard go to “Site Admin” >> “Options” and change the “Dashboard User Default Role” to Author. That will now allow every user on your site who signs up without creating a blog of their own to be able to post on your site’s main blog.

    They still won’t be able to post on the front without going into the dashboard until you switch your main blog to a theme that supports front-end posting such as P2. To make the P2 theme compatible with BP install the “Buddypress Template Pack” plugin:

    2. Or you could instead go into your Dashboard to “Settings” >> “Reading” and set the “Front Page” to “Activity Stream”. Then install the “Oembed for Buddypress” plugin:



    Hey All – Thanks for your help.

    I found exactly what I was looking for here:

    This plugin lets users make posts “from the site” rather than going int the dashboard or admin.

    It is a very sweet popup interface that lets users create post title, content, upload images, add tags, etc, and is fully configurable. I ‘ve tried it out and really like it so far….





    Is there any way to get a full version of the post area that the admins get with the tinymce toolbar (including any plugin icons that are added within the toolbar) as well as Custom fields and the ability to upload an image and insert into post , that would be crucial

    Avi M


    I haven’t read the latest replies but I saw this today and thought I should offer it up as a possible solution.



    What I am looking for is something that works just like facebook on buddypress. I am new to wordpress. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

    @kolive67 Please start a new thread rather than drag up a three year old one, you will also need to be quite a lot more specific about what you need, Facebook on Buddypress is a little vague.

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