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MU 2.9.1 Upgrade … What broke?

  • Derek


    OK Here is a list of everything that broke after the 2.9.1 upgrade on one of my installs/site last night…

    Si Captcha

    BuddyPress Group Twitter

    BuddyPress Group Blog

    BP Events

    Everything else including site wide streams all still working… Hold up on the upgrade if you NEED any of these.

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  • Derek


    Ok after rolling back to 2.8.6 all is back to normal… Ouch that hurt! Anyone else try 2.9.1?



    I did. The forums didn’t show up completely and there is a bug when posting in a group forum. How did you roll back to the previous version? Did you have to completely re-install wordpress?



    Yes from a backed up version… Backups are soo important my friend. They will save your bacon! Lol!



    I haven’t installed BuddyPress Group Twitter and BuddyPress Group Blog, but those were big reasons for me to upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1.3. I’m reluctant to roll back from 2.9.1 to 2.8.6. I’m trying to get my installation to a point where I can leave it alone for another six months, until the next upgrade to BP 1.2 and WP 3.0.

    What is the problem? Which changes in WPMU cause the plugins to break? Is anybody working on the fix?



    @ derek, i have also bp events and group blog installed.

    My update from 2.8.6 to 2.9.1 was ok. No problem at all with my 14 other plugins except bp-ajax-chat (because of a js version error from the chat plugin)

    Did you updated manually as sayed by donncha here ?

    Nick Watson


    bp-events doesn’t work anymore.

    In fact, the whole site didn’t work until I deleted bp-events from my plugin directory.

    But I’m going back to the old version, luckily I have a backup.



    @Choufi Yessir I followed those directions to the letter. However my install is a sub-directory not sub-domain site. For some reason there does seem to be a difference how some of the plugins work within those two types of domains. Here is what Erwin suggest I do:

    “Just uncomment (take out the /* and */) around lines 21 to 25 [the require lines]) and you’ll be fine. This worked on 2.8.3, but not on 2.9”

    I think that I am going to just hold off on any upgrading until 1.2 comes out. Because my little growing community is accustomed to the features they currently have and I don’t want them to lose any right now.

    @nickbwatson I had fatal errors like that too until I deleted the error causing plugins.

    Nick Watson


    Haha, yeah I noticed the error went away.. but unfortunately I kind of need that plugin.

    I hope they fix this soon, though it might be an issue with bp-events (I notice there are still a lot of errors in it, like the search bar, and avatars)



    looks like stuff that uses BP_Group_Extension breaks.

    this blows.

    Any idea how I can quickly fix this?

    the backup function with my webserver (that should automatically be there) has been disabled today, so guess who is going to hafta manually reinstall.

    @#$ i wanted to sleep tonight.

    Vincent Boiardt


    Forums breaks for me, as well as some of my group extensions.

    Andrea Rennick

    @andrea_r is out. Not sure how much that’ll help tho.

    Nick Watson


    I just tested out, still doesn’t work.

    D Cartwright


    We’re using BP_Group_Extension without things breaking in our groupwiki plugin development (WPMU 2.9.1). There’s an annoying issue where the subnav is echo’d twice but that’s been raised in BP trac.



    Try putting something like this at the beginning of the plugin: (not tested for all cases but worked for me). What screws up groups API is when BP gets loaded after the plugin and your plugin can’t find the class its supposed to extend. I have no idea why wpmu 2.9.1 brings out this issue.

    function load_buddypress() {
    //buddypress is loaded
    if ( function_exists( 'bp_core_setup_globals' ) )
    return false;

    // Get the list of active sitewide plugins
    $active_sitewide_plugins = maybe_unserialize( get_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins' ) );
    $bp_activated = $active_sitewide_plugins['buddypress/bp-loader.php'];

    //bp is not activated
    if ( !$bp_activated ){
    return false;

    //bp is activated but not yet loaded
    if ( $bp_activated ) {
    return true;

    return false;

    //load bp if its activated and not loaded
    if ( load_buddypress() ){
    require_once( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/buddypress/bp-loader.php' );

    This made it work one of my plugins. It basically forces BP to load at the beginning of your plugin. And something in WP prevents it from loading twice if it does this.

    D Cartwright


    Andy posted a quicker solution for this problem also – I don’t have the link to hand but it cuts down quite a lot of the code.





    simple solution for plugin devs:

    Write your plugins as a class, then add an action to instantiate the class upon bp_init.

    Sort of like this :

    class myclass {

    [whatever code]


    add_action(‘bp_init’, ‘fire_my_stuff’);

    function fire_mystuff() {

    $my_plugin_class = new myclass();


    That’s it.



    I get this error with the BuddyPress Group Twitter plugin in BP 1.1.3 + WPMU 2.9.1:

    Fatal error: Class ‘BP_Group_Extension’ not found in /public_html/mysite/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-group-twitter/bp-group-twitter.php on line 15

    Could M’s solution fix this plugin? Has anyone applied that yet?

    Well, it’s all well and good saying hook into the bp init action, but it really depends on when you need things loaded. If you don’t require anything specific though, that action is as good as place as any.



    Peterverkooijen wrote:

    > Could M’s solution fix this plugin? Has anyone applied that yet?

    Basically, but not quite in the same way.

    Look at that plugin code. You see that it tries to build a class (BP_Group_Twitter) that extends another class (BP_Group_Extension) – but BP_Group_Extension isn’t loaded yet. So that’s the problem, and what needs to happen is to delay building BP_Group_Twitter until BP_Group_Extension is loaded.



    I don’t think that bp 1.1.3 has a bp_init action, just to clarify. In fact I don’t think 1.1.3 has any do_actions that fire as the plugin is being loaded, before plugins_loaded, although I could be wrong.

    If I am correct, it means that in bp < 1.2, there is no add_action that can hook your plugin into loading classes or other code on a Buddypress load event.

    In 1.2, bp_init solves this by firing at the end of the load of the buddypress files. bp_init does not depend on any WP action to fire. If you hook into bp_init, your plugin will have instant access to all Buddypress classes and functions.

    As far as I can tell, the best way to make your groups API plugin work in BP 1.1.3 is to force BP to load at the beginning of your plugin. As to why 2.9.1 brings these issues to the forefront, I have absolutely no idea, but I have tested this as well and it definitely seems to be the culprit. There may be a performance it if you load BP this way, but I have checked and it at least does not load things twice.



    what needs to happen is to delay building BP_Group_Twitter until BP_Group_Extension is loaded.

    … the best way to make your groups API plugin work in BP 1.1.3 is to force BP to load at the beginning of your plugin

    How could I achieve that? Add required …/buddypress.php (?) at the top of the plugin?

    Will Andy update/fix these plugins?



    @Peterverkooijen: Wrap the class in a function, be sure to declare the class as a global inside the function. Then add action for ‘bp_init’ that loads the class and registers the group extension. Here’s how I did it:

    function build_twitter_ext() {

    global $BP_Group_Twitter;

    class BP_Group_Twitter extends BP_Group_Extension {




    then below that add this:



    function load_twitter_ext() {

    bp_register_group_extension( ‘BP_Group_Twitter’ );


    That should work for you.

    still giving


    BuddyPress Group Blog is still broken for me …

    Could you or someone else explain a bit more clearly how to fix it?

    Thank you.

    I mean where am I suppose to do this edit?

    Mike Pratt


    I’d contact the develper

    fyi – the trunk for BP Group Blogs has not had a commit since 12/17 so take that into consideration

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