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registration not working

  • johnbarrett


    Hi, when i go to my registration page it re directs to the home page. is there a way to fix this.
    Also how do you customize the forum to get rid of the footer?
    you can see my example at –

    thanks in advance for any help, I don’t know any php I hope I can use the forum without knowing php.

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  • johnbarrett


    when I use the default theme for buddy press everything works.
    I wold like to use my theme, but it does not seem like the registration works with the theme.




    @johnbarrett you need to install/activate BP Template Pack plugin to make your theme compatible with BuddyPress. Following is a list of “template-packed” WP themes including some from elegant themes.

    Note however that what works in their theme might not work for you, it all depends on the HTML structure of your theme. Initial scan of your theme’s source looks like you need to revise 16 template files for BP compatibility.


    I’m having the exact same problem. I installed Buddypress today. After installing the BP Template Pack, when you click on the links to check your pages, you still are not taken to the registration page. Your redirected to your site’s home page. This is the third such query I’ve read on your forums trying to work my way through similar forum topics and none of those threads have answered the problem as I’ve tried all the suggestions.

    I checked my pages and there is actually a registration.php page created in my pages, but when I navigate to that page , it just bounces to the home page as the gentleman says above.

    I have been into my Settings > Membership and checked if the “Allow Registration” is checked. It is and was checked to allow for registration before I installed Buddypress. Still nothing. As I havn’t gone through the processes of every running a wordpress based community before I’m only familiar with the Login area at the backend of WordPress. This is not an area I would want my site users to see and I’m aware that I can install whitelabel plugins to pimp that area myself but I expected that Buddypress would somehow have a front end login and registration area already wrapped up in the plugin.

    Could someone please enlighten me about getting my registration link working. My site is here:

    I’m WPSU not MU. I’ve followed all instructions as best I can and seem to be getting nowhere. I’ve adjusted all my template files to correspond with my current theme, it would be so nice to get the rest of Buddypress working. I’m sure it’s a great plugin and I’ve worked most of the day on forums and buddypress, but a little frustrated with the registration hiccup.

    RE: Forum Installation from your links. You click and are taken to install bbPress, but then have to delete the automatically created forum.php created by Buddypress in order to install bbPress forums correctly. Later in the processes of trying to get bbPress templates tweaked to match my theme I’m told I can make Group Forums, but when I come over to the buddypress panel it states in your documentation to look for bb-config.php (or something similar) but there is no config file of any name (or nothing with the word config in it) when you look through all the bbPress package or folders after install. As a consequence I cannot now install Group Forums as I don’t know the path to the bbPress config file – it seems not to exist? I’ve used the latest version downloaded from for both plugins, Newly downoaded today.

    Thanks for help in advance.



    I am having the same problem. From what I have noticed, this is a bug related to the new version of BuddyPress. I noticed people having the same problem commenting on other forums as well.



    I am using the BuddyPress default theme. Site is brand new. Had someone register on the site. She completed registration. However, I see no evidence of her registration, (She has not received the email follow-up). Help is appreciated.



    == you still are not taken to the registration page. Your redirected to your site’s home page. ==

    @laidir This happens when you go to the registration page while you’re still logged in. Log out first.

    Re: Forums set up -> Group Forums and/or Sitewide Forums.

    == She has not received the email follow-up ==

    @member-wp see Registration section

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