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Seperate HOMEPAGE for users

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  • I was wondering about this too, though it’s not a high work priority right now. You’ll no doubt know that setting up a Home page in WP admin and pointing to it in Reading Settings works fine. As to making it show one or the other depending upon whether someone is already registered or not… I don’t know. Probably easy in the custom theme templates, using a function something like _is_user_registered or whatever (there must be something like that).



    !is_user_logged_in then register – You can create a Page Template with login form and set it as home page in Settings > Reading
    Then for users who have logged in, create bp-custom.php and add code by @sbrajesh and upload to wp-content/plugins folder to redirect them to respective profile pages
    P.S. if you’re using WP 3.0, replace line

    Thanks for that @mercime, I’ll give it a go sometime soon.

    JPS Bhullar


    @mercime thanks. I just downloaded and checked Brajesh’s plugin, I want to know which filter need to be used like Brajesh Singh has used filter “Login_redirect” to hook into login process of wordpress. ????

    JPS Bhullar


    hi I just tried the following code, but it is not working as expected:

    function bp_dump() {
    global $bp;
    add_action( ‘wp’, ‘bp_dump’ );

    Kindly let me know what am I doing wrong

    JPS Bhullar


    So, I guess nobody is working on this concept ? I think this should be the part of the CORE Buddypress Pack, where security on HomePage should be provided so that only logged in users can view the content of the website same as other social networking websites are doing like FACEBOOK, ORKUT etc.



    @jpsbhullar if you want the site content to be seen by registered members only, then you could use either of these plugins or
    – there are also other methods, just input “members only” in Search form above.

    JPS Bhullar


    @ mercime : thanks . But in that case, I have to re-design my login page, but I am not good at designing.

    But I have created a new plugin for my-self which will display homepage to all users but only logged in users will be able to see other contents of the website.
    soon I will upload the plugin and will let you know the URL to the plugin.Currently I am testing it with my site and it is working fine with default theme of Buddypress. If someone wants to test it, it is implemented on



    JPS Bhullar


    Till now, its working perfect for me. One thing I want to ask how can I check that my user is trying to move to homepage, because I want every logged in user should be redirected to his / her profile whenever he clicks on HomePage link anywhere in buddypress same as FACEBOOK.

    JPS Bhullar


    Okay. I think my plugin is complete now. You will be able to do the following things with this plugin:

    1. Only logged in users will be allowed to browse the contents of the buddypress enabled wordpress installation. Non-logged in users will be re-directed to Homepage of the websites where login and register options will be available.
    2. Now if your user is logged in and he clicks on HOME tab or any link to homepage, he will be redirected to his / her profile page. This option is good for those who have static HomePage like I am having.

    I have installed this plugin on my website and testing at MyCampus.Cz.CC.
    Kindly help in testing it.

    JPS Bhullar


    My plugin is available on and Here is wordpress link —

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