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Shall theme Development be a part of buddypress community

  • Mohit Kumar


    Shall we include theme development as a part of community development.I am saying that we can probably make a small community of theme developers which can work on various themes, so tht buddypress can have nice themes..

    This community would be seperate from developing community so they dont have a lot of pressure over working on the design.

    We can call it buddypress design team..

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  • abcde666


    great idea !

    everybody know something about design and usability – collaboratively we will be more efficient and have a better output than everybody is cooking his own soup.

    No need to bother Andy & Team with Theme-questions….. they should clearly focus on code-hacking ;-)

    Jeff Sayre


    Just a quick reminder, if you go forward with this idea and create a separate BP-designers’ website, that you need to follow the BuddyPress domain policy.

    Mohit Kumar


    Yup …. that was the idea…So why wait lets start… it will help us developing themes so that noobs can get a better design

    Mohit Kumar


    I thought we would and wordpress for theme hostings

    Jeff Sayre


    That is even better!

    If you build themes, upload them to the WordPress theme directory and tag them “buddypress”. They will show up on this site once approved.



    Just a question, I edited a few WP themes to work with buddypress 1.1 what do you guys put as the author? It’s someone else design but it’s your hard work making it work with buddypress. If you guys are going forward can I help?

    Mohit Kumar


    you can ADD optimized for buddypress – your name



    In the same vein, it might be a good idea to create a theme designers forum, if for no reason other than to hold all of the theme-related questions. Putting more emphasis on buddypress theme development might also spur release of new 1.1 designs.



    Is this a go?

    Mohit Kumar


    Well than lets start working…Help each other and suggest each other..Work on GPL themes.



    Hey all. I have just been hired full time as a web developer and videographer for a major medical school. The idea is to create a site that will recruit more young people to go into healthcare related fields.

    Anyway, I want to use WPMU and Buddypress as the architecture for content management and some social networking components. I have a good bit of WordPress experience, but am completely new to BuddyPress. I am right now in the process of developing a totally custom theme for the site.

    There is a lot of content outside just the main blog and the BuddyPress components. The wordpress functionality is basically complete and I’m now starting on the BuddyPress portion. I’m a bit confused as to how to step into the theme development. Is there a good explainer somewhere that might help me understand how exactly the BP components are called or hooked into what would otherwise be a standard WP theme?

    I would not be able to share the custom build with the community as it would not have any applicability outside this site, but once I get my feet wet, I would be happy to help develop a more generic theme to donate to the cause.

    Jeff Sayre



    Your questions are really better asked in a new thread, not in this thread.

    To help you get started, have a look here:

    BuddyPress Codex

    You may have issues accessing that link at this time. It is a known issue that is being investigated. But, once it’s accessible, you will find many resources there to help you get started.



    Great idea and I would love to help out in creating buddypress themes.. I’m experienced in making themes, but not familiar with wordpress/buddypress but I think it would be good to have a site dedicated to bp themes only :)

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