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Sidebar Fix – One more page to go…

  • brettsandersuk


    Hi all,

    I have one more Buddypress fix to go and then I am done, so any help someone can offer would be great. Thanks in advance…

    I have managed to fix the commonly broken sidebars on all pages except one: The Edit Profile page (edit.php). I have tried and tried but can’t see where the body/form of this page is called from in relation to the sidebar (all of the other pages were in home.php).

    The issue I have is that the body/form is down at the bottom of the page. You can see the error here: – Log in as a test account: Click the Log In button (top left) / Username: testingagain / Password: testingagain / Go to the link or Click Profile / Edit Your Profile.

    Hopefully someone has some ideas,


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  • brettsandersuk


    Does anyone have any advice on this problem I’m having? I would be so grateful to just be pushed in the right direction. Thanks!!



    The log in info you gave for test account in your site is rendering wrong password error.

    “I have managed to fix the commonly broken sidebars on all pages except one”
    I see you’re using the “Los Angeles” theme. I assume you installed the BP template pack plugin and went through the compatibility process. You might just have missed imposing the HTML structure of the Los Angeles theme files over one of the members files.

    EDIT- I visited again and I see “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare searchfilter() (previously declared in /home/content/86/7052586/html/wp-content/themes/los_angeles/functions.php:220) …. ” on your site. If you added/deleted anything from your theme’s functions.php file, I suggest you delete/add it back whichever the case may have been.



    Okay, it’s all sorted. Phew…

    Thanks for your help, you made me think more about going back to the members files again.

    Eventually there was something in edit.php that was pushing it down.

    Thanks again.

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