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Two Websites, One BuddyPress Community?

  • faith21


    Is there any way to connect the communities on two websites, so that if people register on one, they are on the other automatically, so that their profiles do not have to be recreated? Is there a plugin for that?

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  • Jeff Sayre




    I have this same question but that thread is about something that’s a lot more complicated than I want. Basically I have a WP site that has a large community. I want to add separate subdomain that has it’s own WP install with buddypress and I want people to be able to log into both sites with the same info.

    At the top of that thread someone said just to assign custom user and user_meta tables. I’ve already tried that and when I try to log into the subdomain with a root site username, I get a message that says “Cheatin’ eh?” or “You don’t have permission to do that.” So what am I doing wrong? Does the subdomain need to be WPMU instead of regular WP?

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