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User Blogs use same theme as default BP theme?

  • 3612275

    For some reason my user blogs are all using the default WP theme, looks really ugly and out of place.

    I’m using the default BP theme for my site and would like user blogs to be “integrated” into the theme/look. However, there’s no option to set this in the admin dashboard (or is there?).

    Anyone know a solution? Thanks :).

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  • arezki


    Well…I am not a pro at all but I managed to uninstall most of the existing themes, and sort of replaced the default theme by the buddypress theme. New users by default end up with the buddypress style, but may have another option as I left another theme as I was afraid to delete everything that was there before. So my recommendation: make sure you maintain a backup of all your stuff. The identify the themes that you don’t like and disable them. Then I think the one you need to focus on is called “default.” It’s a folder called /default in /wp-content/themes/ Then the issue to figure out where the buddypress theme is and put its content in the ‘default’ folder. I am almost sure it will do the trick… but please please… backup your file. Good luck.


    Thanks for the response I’ll give it a go.

    I really don’t want users knowing it’s WP at all, but rather have it integrated within the members profile and make it one seamless experience.


    Hmm..this isn’t working, it doesn’t show up as a selectable theme for user blogs…

    I am having the same probably. I have read many other posts and nothing seems to work

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