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Widgets Not Working On Some Pages

  • Michel Fortin



    I’ve noticed that when I’m on some pages, like /members/username/friends/requests/, the sidebar widgets for Groups, Members, and Who’s Online Avatars (among others) all show up as empty, with messages like “No one has signed up yet!” or “There are no groups to display,” etc. Is this a bug? If not, how do I fix this?

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  • I second that. Same problem here. I’ve made a custom template for the website’s front page, and the widgets do not seem fully functional. By that, I mean that the “Members” widget appears, but says “No one has signed up yet!”, and I have my avatar with the sign out button, but my nickname is not printed. The strange thing is that all this stuff works perfectly on the pages made with the default template. I am afraid I might have missed some important tags.

    Help me out with this one please



    === I’ve made a custom template for the website’s front page and the widgets do not seem fully functional. ===

    In your new front page template are you sure that you registered your sidebar/s in your custom theme’s functions.php and did you add the necessary dynamic sidebar tags in your template file?

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