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WordPress tries to downod files after BuddyPress activation

  • Cobus Bester


    Good day! :)

    I just downloaded and tried to install BuddyPress (v1.2.5.2) on my WordPress(3.0.1 – completely fresh install) site. However, as soon as I activate the BuddyPress plugin, WordPress tries to download the PHP files when I click on a link. Also, the front-end of the site displays blank.

    The site is running on my my local MAMP dev server.

    I have tried reinstalling a few times, each with the same result. I asked a colleague in the office to install it on his dev site (same setup as I have) and it worked fine for him.

    I would appreciate any help on the matter, I have spent the last hour browsing the forums and google, but have not found any answers.

    Thanks in advance! :)

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  • Ken Erickson


    Are you getting any errors? A blank site is usually called by a fatal error. Set WP_DEBUG to true in your config file define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true ); . If you still don’t see any errors then do search through the files in wp-content/plugins/buddypress for any error_reporting(); calls and set it to error_reporting( E_ALL);

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