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White shark
The shark is characterized by robust body, spindle-shaped and ending in a conical head. Its back is dark gray color that contrasts with its white belly. It has two dorsal fins, the first larger, and two pectoral. His skin is rough and covered with a kind of hard scales called dermal denticles. As for its size, usually about four or five meters in length and 1,200 kilograms, although they have come to find larger specimens of seven meters. It has several rows of large triangular teeth, serrated edges as sharp as knives and as soon as one becomes worn or breaks other moves into place. Its powerful jaws can exert a force greater than three hundred times the man. Lacking swim bladder has to be constantly moving as if swimming parase would sink and die. Also, your respiratory system needs water from the gills constantly. One of its most developed senses is the ear as it has some cells in your nose and sides that allow you to detect electromechanical currents, vibrations and low frequency sounds. His sensitive nose serves to receive a drop of blood kilometers away and its view is also very sharp. Habitat and distribution The white shark is distributed throughout the boreal, temperate, subtropical and tropical regions of both hemispheres. Usually on the continental shelf near the coast in South Africa, west coast and northeastern North America, New Zealand, Japan, China, South America, Australia and the Mediterranean Sea. In the Iberian Peninsula it can be found in the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Canary although not very frequent sighting in our waters. It is curious that the greatest threat to white shark, considered for centuries as a great danger to man, is precisely the human being, mainly due to commercial and recreational exploitation, incidental catches in fishing gear (longline ,, fence, drag, fixed network …) and beach protection nets and degradation of their natural habitat. Its peculiar biology does not help in preserving the species and makes it very vulnerable to overexploitation due to their low reproductive rate and its not very long life (about 30 years). His curiosity and impudence, and their tendency to focus on certain areas, where food is abundant, also make it an easy prey to capture by some brainless that over believe they are doing good to society freeing size “monster”. Commercial exploitation of the white shark is based on parts of your body, such as teeth, jaws and fins, which are highly valued by unscrupulous collectors worldwide. They are also appreciated their liver oil, skin, bones and meat (considered a delicacy in some places). The great white shark is protected in areas like California, East Coast US Gulf of Mexico, Maldives, South Africa, Namibia, some areas of Australia (Tasmania, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland), Israeli waters Mediterranean and Red Sea. Understandably, according to the Barcelona Convention, it is considered endangered species in the Mediterranean, but is not protected in these waters, although there are areas such as the Sicilian Channel that are common breeding places. Playing White Shark searches temperate waters their breeding and rearing. He is not able to reproduce until about nine years old and usually has between 4 and 10 pups in each delivery (every two or three years), of which many will not arrive or be born being devoured by his brothers inside Mother. Small born vivíparamente (spring or summer) and are self-sufficient since birth, they’d better be a fast swimmers or mother will eat them nothing. Food and customs is next to the killer whale, one of the largest marine predators and their prey spectrum is very wide and varied (in your stomach have come to meet up car license plates!). They usually feed on large fish (tuna, cod, swordfish …), turtles, seals, sea lions, other sharks, small whales and the occasional dolphin. Nor they would think too much when feeding of animals already dead. Interestingly usually they reject the otters and sea birds as food. Your metabolism is very fast and that makes them always have a big appetite. Despite having more than 3,000 teeth do not chew their prey but the tear and swallow pieces. Contrary to popular belief, white sharks are social animals with patterns rather complex behavior, apparently “talk” with each other biting and clutching their jaws gently (hence its numerous marks and scars. Despite his bad fame, not engaged to hunt human beings and when an attack occurs is because the shark confuses them with some of their usual or by this curious way of relating prey, this explains why not Devore then. the sharks often live near the coast, although it has come to them to see more than a thousand meters deep. they are great hunters, agile (can perform impressive jumps on the surface), fast and efficient, attack their victims by surprise, since down and after a first fatal bite, wait until they bleed. white sharks are able to travel long distances and although recent studies seem to show that they are nomadic animals, has also been shown that some live regularly in their favorite areas (Spencer Gulf , Australia; Farallon Islands, California and Dyer Island, South Africa) to feed. They usually travel alone although there have been cases of couples and even groups of seven or eight sharks.

the Boxer
The boxer is a relatively young race, as it was established in Germany in the mid-nineteenth century. In spite of his young age, they have very seated racial characteristics, and one could say that is one of the few challenging existing breeds to improve the behavioral aspect, although anatomically manifest numerous defects (respiratory problems due to the formation of his skull, high incidence of tumors, lower longevity, …). Despite this, it is one of the races more aesthetic beauty and body proportionality. We must not forget that given his great physical strength and athletic conformation, boxers are animals that must be carefully trained, because otherwise, they will know not channel their strength and in the course of a game, could harm the people around them. CHILDREN another race to show the same enthusiasm for the smallest of the house is not known. Boxers love children passionately, so much so that many of their masters to exercise effectively educate babysitters when they are away from home. It is advisable to teach kids to be affectionate with the boxer, as demonstrated patience with them, can lead to cruel games by children. However, it never is displayed aggressive, but quite the opposite. If there are children in a house, the boxer will always be where they are. It will be his tireless human companion games (hide and seek, football, …), which is great fun for children. He will manifest his extraordinary gifts of imitation of the habits of the smaller, like sitting in a chair to eat, get on the sink to wash your hands … All we have raised with boxers, we will want our children to do the same. HABITS OF BOXER This is a race that is characterized, among other things, because its members are not used to bark without reason. This reason and homey character make them suitable boxers dogs to live in apartments and areas densely populated. The only boxer barks in a situation of risk. The character of the boxer makes him always very close to his master. Since puppy enjoys family life and provides their participation, whether to collaborate, either as a guard or simply as a stubborn company. Also, being a very playful animal, he is always ready, waiting for the chance to play with us; in homes where there are no children, adults should play with it because they do not support and any opportunity that presents itself in this regard, the profit is most welcome. It is a comfortable dog temperament; immediately elect the chair or the most comfortable chair in the house to apoltronarse. It has all the advantages of sociable dog, a fact that will be evident the first time we receive guests at home since we have the puppy: he will feel happy in their midst, seek the affection of all, play and behave the same way as would make a fun and mischievous child. The boxer is an extremely intelligent breed; It has shown that it is perfectly able to understand 25 words and always love you prove you can. His intelligence applied to better understand and grasp the coexistence with man. Thus, for example, it is the fastest race learns to open and close the doors as a person. Since it is a methodical animal, boxer extraordinarily values ​​the order, so that adaptation to customs preset by the master does not cost any work. It is so true to the customs that is able to stop eating one day because you serve food in a place other than the usual. Clearly, changes bother you because it is quite uncommon for a boxer to stop eating because they are famous for their gluttony. This is an extremely balanced, intelligent, quick reflexes and a way of acting that proves to be very sure of what he wants and what he does dog. It also has a highly developed sense of smell so it is an excellent disciple in training, allowing him to compete in this area with races considered traditional. RIDES If there is something vital in the care of the boxer, that are the rides, even if they live on a farm or open space. They are not only essential for burning excess energy that always show, but they are necessary to correctly produce development and socialization. With regard to development, it is important to say that the boxer must leave home at least twice a day in adults and as many as necessary in the juvenile stage. It is preferable that these outputs take place in green areas where the animal can let off steam without disturbing pedestrians. In addition, this type of output will make our muscular boxer acquire a suitable conformation. But regarding socialization, should any of these daily walks take place in the urban core to get used since childhood to relate in a normal manner with the other beings around him. It is recommended that the dog can run at least once a day, preferably not at night, as the excitement of the games can cause insomnia, urine leakage during sleep and nervous disorders. If I could not be done so often, it is essential that at least this type occur walks three times a week. If the area in which we live does not have a space where our boxers can play without a leash, we must provide an alternative: we can tie him to the handlebars of our bike and make gradually increase the effort to be made. Up and down mountains is a really good exercise for this breed, as well as muscular body, he will widen his chest which is one of the most beautiful elements of the boxer. If none of this was possible, ultimately we would resort to home exercises, such as climbing stairs. THE BATHROOM The boxer is an especially neat and clean animal, virtues that contributes her short hair as it prevents the accumulation of dirt. However, it should faithfully fulfill the basic rules of hygiene, not only by living with their masters but also for the health of the animal. Bathing dogs is one of the most controversial as there are authors who claim that they should not be never bathe issues. Others, however, intend to do so weekly. Most veterinarians are advised not to bathe a puppy until it has fulfilled six months; however, sometimes dirt carrying the animal in her hair may find more harmful than a bathroom done in good condition. If we decide to bathe our puppy, measures to take should be very strict: use water temperature 38-40¼C (try the elbow, like for a baby) that covers only half of the legs, this Thus, if there is no danger of sliding swallow water; use a specific shampoo for short haired dogs or a mild shampoo human; Carefully dry the animal with a terry towel (absorb more water than others) and finally with the hand dryer. We must bear in mind that the boxer is an animal that does not support good nor cold nor heat, the more if it is still a puppy. Although it is spring or summer, we must not allow to air dry. In the adult boxer, the most recommended bathrooms frequency is every six months, coinciding with molting hair, which takes place in spring and autumn. But this does not mean that if the animal has access to natural waterways (river, sea, …) can not bathe as often as desired, as the dips with the garden hose. What aggressive skin bóxer is not water, but the components of shampoos. What you need to remember it is that every time you bathe in the sea must clarify hair with fresh water to avoid dulling. There are a number of doubts about the bathroom that should be clarified: it is false that is not due bathe females in heat, since the only difference with a female in sexual rest is that the former is more nervous and can resultarnos harder bath task; It is also false that you can not bathe pregnant females, provided that appropriate care is taken not to press too much on the belly area. For hair brushing the hair of our boxers is this bright, should brush daily. Like most owners do not comply, you must set the goal of making it at least twice a week. Brushing, in addition to keep the hair clean and shiny, has a wakeup function of blood circulation, so that promote the health of your skin. If we want the task of brushing is rewarding for dog and owner, we must accustom our boxers to take it as a game. Thus, not only it did not find it annoying, but it will require us when are we “forget.” Brushing a boxer must be made in cranio-caudal (head-tail) and caudo-cranial (head-tail) sense to remove all loosened hair and skin debris and dirt. The last pass must always be in cranial-caudal direction to leave hair ball home. In areas of swirls will place the hair with her hand. In the event that, following these guidelines, the hair of our boxers have a poor appearance, we can use two methods of revitalization, one, give you a commercial multivitamin prior veterinary advice, or two, mix you with food, once a week, a can of sardines in oil, which will give vitamin A and essential fatty acids. When you notice that the hair has a normal appearance and brightness, discontinue administration of both products.

the Chameleon
Although rather close relatives iguanas, chameleons live in trees and hunt insects with his long, sticky tongue. There are about 85 different species worldwide, though its status as endemic (own and unique to specific regions) they are found exclusively in what is known as the old world: Africa (especially Madagascar and the eastern south) and some isolated areas Asia. The only European country which has the honor of owning chameleons in its fauna is Spain. In our country they were introduced some colonies in the Malaga and Cadiz coasts and recently in Granada, Almeria and Huelva. In terms of size, we can find from the giant family is the male Malagasy Giant Chameleon, which reaches 80 centimeters from snout to tail tip, to the chameleon pocket (Brookesia Low) residing in the aquarium Tokyo, which does not measure more than about two or three centimeters. The typical chameleon has a flattened body sides, bulging eyes that can move independently of each other and a prehensile tail, which hangs from branches. It is an animal that, over time, has a capacity of adaptation impressive. It is able to change almost instantly the color of their skin, but not to be confused with the environment, as is usually thought, but because of other aspects (courtship, rejection, fear, temperature, etc.) And while not something unique chameleon, the most popular is its peculiar way of hunting. His eyes and his tongue (deadly projectile hitting the victim with its end, with a percentage of almost unerring accuracy and tenths of a second) developed a lethal weapon. Come on, where it says the eye, put the tongue. Their diet is varied within insects, and loves crickets, moths, cockroaches and worms. Although some, because of its size, gobble birds and mice. Anatomy EYES. Within its anatomy include bulging eyes. Have ye noticed that move independently of each other and in all directions? This is thanks to a membranous turret allowing you to have a 360 degrees and facilitates an exceptional vision for defense and hunting for their victims. LANGUAGE. They can throw his tongue out twice as far from your body. What a blast! whereby it ranges from 30 to 60 cm on average. Language is a kind of perpetually sticky deck, in 95% of cases FINGERS. His fingers, only in reptiles, are prehensile, ie they serve to catch, like the tail in monkeys or elephants proboscis. The fingers are divided into two parts (2/3), two outside and three inside, giving the feeling that have hands. TAIL. One could say of them that are unbeatable climb because its tail is prehensile, like some monkeys, which allows you to climb down without any problems without using the legs. THE BODY. Your body is (unless the chameleon is excessively fat) laterally compressed, which gives appearance of leaf when hide and allows you to better keep the balance. Acquiring and caring pet chameleon means taking a great responsibility If you decide to have a chameleon as a pet, you should keep in mind that it is not an easy pet to care for. You’ll have to buy it in a store and are always authorized import, since in Spain are a protected species is punishable capture. You also need special attention. Now we’re going to have the most favorable conditions which you can purchase one of these striking animals are. Satisfaction of observing their behavior, hunting techniques, impeccable climbing skills to change color or to hide as well as many other things, take you to get home and watch it for hours. To start your home should get a small space where the animal feel at ease. You will also have to buy a terrarium (like an aquarium, but without water and conditioning for reptiles and anfios) that is always higher than long. It is necessary to provide the terrarium with a fluorescent that mimics sunlight. It would be best accommodate the animal in a terrarium built with at least three parts of metal mesh, somewhere near a large window place, because if we put it in a glass enclosure, where ventilation is practically nil, the animal will soon develop respiratory illness and die. In these cases, the best is a small terrarium with nylon mesh roof. Newspapers or paper towels are often the material used to maintain good hygiene. But the most suitable is the organic peat as substrate, which also serves to plants can be located and their roots have more room to grow. But if you have any questions, consult your veterinarian or visit some of the web that refer to chameleons.

Round head with triangular snout, ears carried high, full cheeks, very wide in adult males. color round eyes gold, copper, yellow or amber. Powerful body and solid, it can weigh 6 kg. Espaldas and chest wide, such as the neck. muscular legs. Cola Cola long, robust, folded over the back. Color are allowed all shades of gray, but is more clearly seen. The skin is completely blue Short, dense, velvety fur, bright, reminiscent of the otter. Brushing care sporadic. Temperament Manso, affectionate, smart, independent, good hunter. Environment adapts well to an apartment, especially if you have a terrace.
Therefore it occupies many habitats, both siliceous, calcareous or clayey soils from mountain areas, oak forests, growing areas, forests, riparian zones, and even orchards or urban areas. Appears from sea level to 2,400 m altitude in Pyrenees (García-Paris and Martin, 1987; Lizana et al., 1990 Gosa and Bergerandi, 1994; Malkmus, 1998; Barberá et al., 1999; Bosch, 2002 ; Ryser et al, 2003).. It has been cited 2,516 m altitude in Pyrenees (Vences et al., 2003) .1 It has been observed in a mature oak Quercus robur in Navarra climbs by moss in the lower section of the trunk of the trees. Mostly adults (77%) are observed, although the newly metamorphosed make some use of basal parts (7% of observations). It reaches 34 cm on average and rises to 135 cm from the ground. When detected, 52% of cases moves, shelter or jump to the ground (Gosa, 2003) .2 In any case, long larval development determines its presence to areas that have water spots long term, often anthropic, such as pylons, fountains or pools of irrigation. Furthermore, these points can be extremely variable water in their characteristics, and even treated eutrophic water mass, low oxygenation or low pH. In the rest of its European distribution their habitat preferences are equally spacious, also including very humanized and altered zones (Boll, 2003; Borgula and Zumbach, 2003; Eislöffel, 2003; Fritz, 2003; Joger and Schmidt, 2003; Kordges, 2003 ; Sowig et al., 2003; and Blezer Stumpel, 2003; Uthleb et al., 2003; Weber, 2003). Morocco occupies only wetter mountains (Bons and Geniez, 1996). In any case, long larval development determines its presence to areas that have water spots long term, often of anthropogenic origin, such as pylons, fountains or pools of irrigation. Furthermore, these points can be extremely variable water in their characteristics, and even treated eutrophic water mass with pocaoxigenación or low pH (Serra-Cobo et al., 1998). Abundance still frequent in the north of the Peninsula, central and southern species however is increasingly scarce (Bosch, 2002). Conservation status in Spain and criteria Category: Near threatened NT. A. o. boscai: Near threatened NT; A. o. almogavari: Near threatened NT; A. o. obstetricans: Near threatened NT; A. o. pertinax: Vulnerable VU A2ac (Bosch, 2002). Threats The species is not threatened in the northern part of its range, where it still is more or less frequent. Being a very tolerant species opacities, it colonizes well even newly affected areas. And thanks to its frequent anthropic character, uses many water points built by man. However, in southern distribution the species is seriously threatened, as it requires permanent water points or long-term by alteration or destruction of their breeding sites. The loss of these water points is mainly due to the decline of the water table by overexploitation of aquifers, the loss of traditional water management in agriculture, abandonment of sources, channeling streams, etc. Southeast populations of the Community of Madrid, belonging to the subspecies common midwife toad pertinax, are scattered in small groups. Due to the profound transformations suffered by the Madrid area in recent decades, most of its breeding sites are located in rural communities and are artificial elements such as fountains and pools. Among the problems that come from their use and maintenance periodic cleaning of glass, washing of agricultural materials, waste contamination and death of larvae cited by children. Other problems include the deterioration and abandonment of ponds and basins as well as the destruction of the environment, accessibility of water point for toads and the introduction of fish and crabs (Martinez-Solano et al., 2004) .3 The populations of the province Albacete appear to be rare and generally consist of a small number of troops; They are associated with extremely fragile artificial media playback (Paris et al., 2002) 5 Furthermore, in some areas adults suffer frequent collisions on the highways. Also in many areas, especially mountain, the species has disappeared by the introduction of fish for sporting purposes (mainly trout and char) that prey on their larvae (Braña et al., 1996). In the Sierra de Neila (Burgos) he has suffered a severe decline in recent decades due to the introduction of fish in water bodies. He is currently confined exclusively to a few lacking streams of fish (Martinez-Solano et al., 2003) .4 In addition, in recent years the species has been the subject of only two cases in the Iberian Peninsula mass mortalities of amphibians associated emerging diseases. In the ibón Piedrafita (Huesca Pyrenees) occurred in the summers of 1992 and 1994, massive metamorphic larvae and newborn mortalities were attributed at the time to the bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila. The dead specimens showed clear signs of “red leg” (or “red leg”) with severe internal bleeding, mainly in the limbs, and striking inflammations. However, according to recent research described new pathogens, these mortalities could have been motivated ultimately by any of the above-described ranavirus, A. hydrophila being an opportunistic pathogen that infect animals already weakened by the virus. On that occasion, despite the large number of animals found dead, the population did not disappear and in later years specimens usually playing in the area (Marquez et al., 1995) were observed. More recently, and in an Alpine population, it has produced another phenomenon of mass mortality of individuals. This last time the episode was recorded in the Natural Park Peñalara (Central System, Madrid). It was the first and only outbreak of chytrid in Europe, a fungal disease that is causing mass extinctions of species and populations around the world, and has wiped out almost completely to the affected area in a few years population (Bosch et al., 2001) .

Morphological characteristics: Body very bright due to its fine and uniform scales. Tips reduced. Dorso variable pitch from the grayish brown or olive to almost black, sometimes with two wide bands clearer walking back and numerous small eyespots across the surface. It reaches about 16 cm. at most, of which slightly less than half correspond to the tail. TRADITIONS: Day. No leaves the ground. It is specially adapted to the semi-subterranean life, although often basks on the surface. To scroll quickly retracts its short limbs on the body and is contoured like a snake. Chalcides in their habitat located in Sagunto (Valencia). Food: Small invertebrates that live under rocks or soil mulch. REPRODUCTION: Ovoviviparous. Copulation spring. The female usually “birth” of one to four (two is the most frequent) live young, from late May until autumn (September or October). HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION: It does not seem to show overt environmental preferences. You can live both in the dune sands of the coast and between the mulch mountainous areas. Own south and center of the Iberian Peninsula, in the Valencia region is not rare but usually go unnoticed. Chalcides of the town of Sagunto (Valencia). ADDITIONAL NOTES: It has great faunal interest (Iberian endemism). It is considered as “protected species” in the Valencian catalog ENDANGERED SPECIES (Decree 265/1994). Before there was a large population on the island of Tabarca but has been ransacked by scientists and amateur collectors.

Beagle dog
Despite its small size, the Beagle gives a sense of strength and resistance, short appearance and very muscular both in the body, such as limbs and neck, which supports a well proportioned head with a moderately long snout and medium sized ears leading falls.

the Cobra

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