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Re: Help with “use a filter with the ID of the blog” etc.



You will have te create a custom function, either in your theme’s functions.php or in plugins/bp-custom.php, that filters the output of that function and replaces it with the avatar of your choice. Eg, if your blog_id is 5,
‘function my_blog_avatar( $old_avatar ) {
// Do some stuff to get the avatar you want, then
return $new_avatar;
add_filter( ‘bp_get_blog_avatar_5’, ‘my_blog_avatar’ );`

The ‘do some stuff’ part will depend highly on your setup. If by ‘the associated group’ you mean that you are using bp-groupblog, then you will likely have to do some direct queries of the groupmeta database table to find the group that is associated with a particular blog (I don’t think that the plugin stores that info in a place that is easily accessible by blog_id). Then you will use some permutation of bp_core_fetch_avatar() to pull up the avatar for that group_id.

Good luck!

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