Re: How do I create a notification?
The best way to figure these things out is to look at how the default BP system does it~!
Look at how friendship notifications are made in bp-friends.php and bp-friends-notifications.php
1) Create a function that contains the bp_core_add_notification() and hook it into a particular BP action.
You probably did not hook your custom function to any BP action, that’s why it isn’t doing anything.
2) Format the notification.
Here, you create a new function that formats the notification. You will use the $component_action you defined in your custom function from bp_core_add_notification(). You will hook this new function into the core component’s notification function.
Look at friends_format_notifications() in bp-friends.php for more info.
3) Delete the notification.
You’ll probably want to delete the notification when someone has viewed it!
Create a function with one of the notification delete functions in bp-core-notifications.php and hook it to a BP action.