Re: Importing WP eXtended RSS XML file from WP to BP
I need to reopen this thread to ask the group what I need to do when the Buddypress Import feature experiences a php memory failure halfway through the import.
I was just importing the xml file and got to around 90 posts (I have over 500), then it crapped out.
I updated the php.ini file in wp-admin for 128M, but I don’t think changing it to that high a setting on 1and1 helps at all. They state they have a max of 40, but I think they just put that out there and you can actually go over the limit, but I’m not sure.
I know how to dump my mysql file from my WordPress database on my host. I’m just not sure what would happen if I imported the database from a general WordPress install to the database for a BuddyPress install.
Here’s what I’m seeing after trying it twice. I see that it see the posts I’ve already added.
88 Importing attachment (30 kB)
89 Post Jam & Spoon's Mark Spoon Passes On already exists.
90 Post Larry Heard's "Can You Feel It" vs. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" Speech already exists.
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 33554432) (tried to allocate 524297 bytes) in /homepages/7/d106361195/htdocs/netmix_home/wpmu/wp-admin/import/wordpress.php on line 143
Anyone suggest and links that can help?