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Re: Question about updating themes for BP1.3 & WP pages

Yes there is a single inclusion of wp_nav_menu() in header.php for 1.3, this has a callback or fallback_cb to wp_menu_pages() run from a function in functions.php; if wp_nav_menu() not initialised from the dashboard bp will use the wp_menu_pages instead

Occurred to me when I first played around with it to configure dropdowns for bp-default that it might well necessitate a re-think of add-all-nav… plugin.

Also – and I am still fuming over this – but it was brought to my attention that wp_nav_menus do indeed do nested children but you have to visually arrange them (bad!) so I thank the WP forums and other places where I tried to elicit help on that and other wp_nav_menu issues for the lack of responses.

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