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Re: [Resolved]”There was An error when creating the Topic” Un-fixable Problem




After logging into your account directly from the website, or the GoDaddy hosting control panel (, go to the Hosting Control Center and choose the File Manager that brings up all of the files in your hosting account. The “html” folder should be first to come up already opened and will house all of your site’s content. Next click on the “wp-content” folder. Then click on the “plugins” folder. Then click on the “buddypress” folder (this is where all files and folders related to BuddyPress reside as it is truly just really a robust, and wonderfully awesome, plugin). Then click on the “bp-forums” folder. You will then see the bb-config.php file. I believe that is the one you are in search of, no? You can’t access this through the wp-admin on your website. It must be done through an FTP client, cpanel, or as I have described above.

I know it’s irritating when a problem arises and holds you hostage while you pull out your hair looking for the solution, but instead of continuing the “bump” business, and further irritating the folks here, you can always try searching out your questions about WordPress/BuddyPress in Google, Bing, blogs, and other forums and so forth. I’ve literally found the answers to a majority of my past questions elsewhere than on here, though and it’s community is the obvious authority on all things BuddyPress. That’s certainly no slight on the terrific community of developers and volunteers here on BuddyPress, it’s just a fact. It is getting better though as time goes on.

The rest of the BuddyPress community,

A polite suggestion to the folks on here trying to answer questions that people have who aren’t quite as familiar with the product as you; Treat it like a car. Generally speaking, people don’t really need to know how it works, they just want to know how to drive it. Keep it simple, and forget about all of the tech jargon and mumbo-jumbo. For the location of the “bb-config.php” file, spell it out in the most direct and simplest of terms that you can muster, like I did above with a direct path to the file (think picture book). That’s it. It shouldn’t matter where your installation is hosted at as the basic files should all reside in the same place, unless you’ve moved them yourself after the install. This suggestion comes from a tech veteran who’s worked in IT over the past 20 years – mainframes, networking, hardware, software, web, etc.

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