Re: RSS activity feed is blank (solved)
…and solved it ! Tadaaaaaaaaaaa…. (with some tech helps)
Dixit php manual: Unrecognized character-sets will be ignored and replaced by ISO-8859-1. Because the default character of php is ISO-8859-1
So, in 1031
`//$title = trim( strip_tags( html_entity_decode( utf8_encode( $content[0] ) ) ) );
$title = strip_tags(html_entity_decode( $content[0],ENT_COMPAT,”UTF-8″ )) ;`
and do the same for the description line 1071
`return apply_filters( ‘bp_get_activity_feed_item_description’, html_entity_decode( str_replace( ‘%s’, ‘ ‘, $content ), ENT_COMPAT, ‘UTF-8’ ) );`
With this my acitivity RSS feed is now in french with accentuated characters !
Have to do the same with the other feeds file and control the whole WP code containing entities_decode WICH MUST ending with UTF-8 to pass correctly….
I put the patchs on the trac immediatly