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Re: SMF Forum importer

Hi Norman, first thank you for your script – I am trying to convert an smf installation to buddypress with it, but I have no success – hopefully anybody can give some hints? I have a few questions:
– How exactly do I have to proceed? I installed wp-mu, then via the plugin menu buddypress and smf-importer. The import seems to finish without errors, BUT I do not see any groups or forums at all! The link to /grous or /forum siple give a 404.
– I do not understand, if I need to install any forum separately? Do I need to install bbpress in another folder? Or does your import script generate some forum, but why is it not there?
– I do see however that there IS some data in the database that has been imported. But no way to see it on the side.
– Also many strings are beeing cut off, so title of groups and forums is corrupted.
– How can I debug this process? Is there any option to get some debug output?
– I s there a command line version of your importer or will it only run in WP context?
– Is there some technical documentation what exactly are you doing (yes, I know, use the source, Luke :) – but some hints will be helpful :)
– What exactly does this message mean and what can i do about it:
“Skipped 941 topics and 5075 posts due to missing users, boards or topics.”
How can I make it not to skip? or get some more infos which boards or users are missing? I do not think any users or boards are missing, btw…
– What if I want to use some more powerful forum? Which forum can I use and STILL have groups functionality?
THANK YOU very much for your attention!

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