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Re: STOP feature-polls for BP 1.3



@Xevo, I’m pretty sure Erich73 was not asking for a poll plugin. I think his comment was about the relative pointlessness of open polls for new features, when there are still many core issues that should be fixed first.

I remember we’ve gone through this over six months ago, also with a poll and promises that certain features, like privacy, would become core in version 1.2 and 1.3. Very little of that has materialized.

… I can see that users of wordpress/buddypress wanting the wp-admin to be only for admins as the name suggests and keep the users off the creepy admin panel.

Absolutely. That’s why I’m trying to sort out front-end posting with P2 and/or Posthaste. Raoulduke is working on it as well.

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