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bp_core_avatar_v1 returns local path to avatar

  • Brad Williams


    I have a really strange avatar issue going on. I’m using the latest BuddyPress trunk (821) and MU 2.7 for reference.

    For some strange reason when I upload an Avatar the usermeta field in the database that stores the location of that avatar contains the local path on my web server like this:

    bp_core_avatar_v1 = D:WebsitesWebsitesPHPCitizenAccess/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/1/aad_logo-avatar1.jpg

    bp_core_avatar_v1_path = D:WebsitesWebsitesPHPCitizenAccess/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/1/aad_logo-avatar1.jpg

    Notice how D:Websites….. is listed when it should not be. So of course on the website the img src is broke and displayed like so:

    <img class=”avatar photo” height=”150″ width=”150″ alt=”” src=””/>

    Any ideas on what could be causing this issue? I’ve search the forum and tickets and haven’t seen any mention of this before.

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  • yu


    have you seen your blog options (/wp-admin/wpmu-blogs.php?action=editblog&id=1 – for main blog, for example)? there are some ‘Upload url’ options to check out.

    Burt Adsit


    Howdy. This is a know bug running on windows. Patience. I have the same problem with my dev windows box.

    Brad Williams


    Nice to know I’m not the only one. I didn’t see a ticket for this in trac, but I’m assuming there is one correct?

    Brad Williams


    Burt Adsit


    I stuck that ticket in there as part of something else then forgot about it. Normally I fix things I find but got sidetracked with other things. Feel free to track it down and fix it. :)

    Brad Williams


    Working on this today. I’ll post any updates

    Brad Williams


    Well I found the problem, now trying to figure out a good solution.

    The form field orig on the final crop page holds this value:

    <input type=”hidden” name=”orig” value=”D:Websitesdirectory/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/1//logo.png” />

    Which is correct. When the value is posted and displayed it comes out like this:


    For some reason posting that value is adding an extra backslash to each backslash in the URL.

    Working on a solution now

    Brad Williams


    Fixed. I added the stripslashes function around the post value to remove the double slashes back to single slashes. I updated the ticket as well:

    Not sure I updated the ticket properly so feel free to fix if it’s wrong.

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