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BuddyPress Contents 1.0 Plugin Released – Tags, Categories in BP

  • Burt Adsit


    BuddyPress Contents is a content aggregation and organization tool for BuddyPress. It implements Tags and hierarchical Categories for any type of content. Member, Group and Blog tags and categories are implemented first.


    Content Types

    The three content types that bpc currently recognizes are Members, Groups and Blogs. Any type of content can be integrated into bpc however. bpc implements a content neutral ‘Item’ type that represents the various types of content within the tags and categories.

    Tags and Categories

    bpc tags and categories are based on the WordPress custom taxonomy system. The taxonomy system has been modified to support any content type and arbitrary tag and category target URLs.

    The Site Admin manages the available categories for Members, Groups and Blogs. Individual users can then select where they fit within the category tree. Mulitple categories can be selected and the user can elect to remove themselves or add themselves to the available categories.

    Tags are the free form ‘folksonomy’ discovery method for users. Individual users can create arbitrary tags that describe themselves. They can also tag themselves with existing tags to attach themselves to a particular group. The Site Admin can manage the tags that appear on their site. Deleting or modifing the tag name as they deem appropriate.

    Groups and Blogs have the same tagging nd category capabilities as Members. The group or blog admin can create tags and select categories for their group or blog.

    Member Tags and Categories

    Each BuddyPress user can create profile tags that represent their interests. Visit My Account > Contents > Profile > Tags to create your tags. Enter a comma separated list of tags.

    Select the categories that you’d like to be represented in by visiting My Account > Contents > Profile > Categories

    Widgets for Member tags and categories are available.

    Group Tags and Categories

    Each BP Group can create individual tags to allow easier discovery. Any Group admin or moderator can create group tags and categories by going to the group home page Groups > My Group > Contents > Tags and Contents > Categories

    Blog Tags and Categories

    Each blog in a wpmu installation can be tagged through the blog creator’s Blogs > My Blogs > Contents area.

    Choose Contents > Select a Blog and then create tags and categories for your blog through Contents > Tags and Contents > Categories


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  • alunsina



    just one question, on the third column of the members theme the the tags are, it pushes the avatar and does not show the whole avatar picture.

    like this:

    anything i can do to fix that? thanks!

    Burt Adsit


    The css can be modified to fit your theme /bpcontents/css/structure.css



    can a user define his blog category on singup?



    very nice looking plugin! however it doesn’t seem to work with the latest version of buddypress 1.1.2. It seems that the group contents link is missing the group name (when you change the url manually, you see the contents page.)

    also, the members’ content link just shows a blank page. any idea if development will continue on this interesting plugin?

    is there a live demo of this plugin somehere?

    Jeff Sayre


    As Burt has not been around the forums or on IRC for 10 weeks, I would not count on this particular plugin to be updated anytime soon. In fact, at this stage, I would assume it will not be updated at all. You can PM him and see if you get a response. If you do, please ask him to post here as well.

    Remember, all the plugins on the WP plugin repository are GPL so anyone could take his work, update it, add to it, and rename it and call it a new plugin–with the appropriate credit given to Burt of course.



    I actually have (unofficially and without asking) updated this plugin for my personal site only and it works as far as I tested it. I don’t mind making that available, but have no interest to offer any tech support whatsoever, neither to adopt this plugin.

    I am merely saying that if anyone is looking to mess with this plugin in BP 1.1.X to let me know and I can send you a link. I don’t see any reason for leg work to update this plugin should be done twice, but don’t expect support in any form.

    It is a shame that Burt has dropped of the radar recently as he did an incredible job with this plugin. In fact I would assume with the quality of his plugin that Andy could easily take his work and make it into core. Otherwise I hope he will come back soon.

    Jean-Pierre Michaud


    you can give me that link, i’m ready to release a dozen of widgets and plugins in the next days, and would be ok to support that one as well… i’ll check the code before release and apply credits for the work done.



    So, what will we look for when trying to find the code for the dozens of widgets?

    Jeff Sayre



    I’m not sure what you are asking. All of the code for Burt’s plugin is located in the bpcontents folder. Search the subfolders for any file whose name contains “widget”. Open those files, and you can find the code.



    OK, I know adding this to core might be a big project to take on, but it seems that if BP and WP are really going to be flexible CMS’s, this kind of functionality is needed.

    Custom post types, member types, group types and blog types.

    It seems crazy that most sites would want to moderate anyone getting a blog or starting a group about anything. What I hate about some of the ning sites I see is duplicative groups and groups about nothing. Poor quality blog posts everywhere. Not a good user experience if you ask me.

    I’m nowhere near good enough to take this on, but it’s needed. For example, I need different member levels (e.g. teacher, principal, student) with different “rights.” Different group types (e.g. classroom, school, extracurricular). Different blog types (e.g. homework, school news, dances/parties). Students shouldn’t be able to create school groups and teachers shouldn’t create blogs on parties/dances. Something like Justin Tadlock’s Members Plugin could be used to manage rights of specific content types including the content type user/member.

    BPCONTENTS was/is a step on this direction that should be available for all well organized social networking sites. The fact that Facebook doesn’t allow different levels of “friend” access is problematic and BP should do better. I hope this gets on the roadmap list or at least as a supported plugin.

    [. . . stepping off of soapbox ]



    any news about this? I think there are a few other threads about this subject …



    i believe this project is no longer alive. I needed this kind of functionality for groups, so I wrote this plugin:

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