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WordPress-Buddypress-bbPress user sign in and Twenty Twelve compatibil questions

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  • @mercime


    1. yes

    2. n/a

    3. I will check this out and post a url for fix if necessary.

    Mitesh Patel


    Thank you @mercime.

    A small follow-up question on user sign-on/registration. As you clarified, there is a unified login for all wp and bp/bb components. Does it mean that the user profiles (wp profiles and bp extended profiles) are also unified/sync’d?

    With regards to the twenty twelve – Buddypress compatibility, let me elaborate my set-up a little.

    Twenty twelve is not compatible with buddypress out of the box (like bp-default theme is), so one needs to use bp-compatibility-pack plugin (or can be done manually) to copy-paste buddypress specific .php templates and other files to the theme directory. This also includes buddypress style sheet (bp.css) which seems to be a copy-pasted part from bp-default style.css.

    Thus, when you make twenty twelve compatible with buddypress (I am doing this on child theme of twenty twelve), the styles of buddypress components resembles to bp-default (rather than twenty twelve). If one deletes all the css from bp.css, one gets plain styles (these are twenty twelve styles but as there is nothing in twenty twelve styles for bp, they are as good as plain). Fixing these plain styles would be like making a completely new theme from scratch (like styling _s theme) for bp component pages/sections. There doesn’t seem to be a simple workaround about this.



    Does it mean that the user profiles (wp profiles and bp extended profiles) are also unified/sync’d?

    Other than usernames No. BP Extended Profiles has a more complex set up than the WP profiles

    make twenty twelve compatible with buddypress

    @mitesh-patel I’ve posted the walkthrough for BP Template Pack with the Twenty Twelve Theme at let me know how it works out for you.

    Mitesh Patel



    Sorry for delayed response. I thought the thread was dead. Nevertheless, thanks for your directions.

    It seems I chose the wrong words to describe my problem. The problem was “after the compatibility process is over, the site doesn’t look 2012-ish, with bp-default styles in BP parts.” After the compatibility process is done successfully (which I did), the theme “works fine”, but doesn’t look fine. So in other words, how to make the BP part look like 2012.

    Both the BP-compatibility-pack approach and your approach worked fine, except, the theme CSS is (understandably) the same (bp-default). I ended up modifying the bp.css to make it look like it belongs to 2012 theme. I also “hard-coded” (so to speak) the BP specific changes in my child theme itself (added the bp-template-pack.php part with some modifications to functions.php), and a few minore changes to BP templates, so that my child theme is BP-compatible out of the box (no need of plugin or external CSS). Will upload the child theme somewhere and post a link here as I get to it.

    Thank you @mercime for your help.

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