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BP menu on wp multisite

  • @pcasciaro


    I have wp multisite installed.
    On the mainsite I can use the bp menu which is really great.
    However, I can’t show the same bp menu on subsite.

    Can you please help me to let all the users to have this bp menu also on the subsites?


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  • @danbp


    You have to enable multiblog. Read here:




    Hi Dan,
    Thanks for the reply.
    I am a bit confused after reading that article.



    Hi Dan,
    I have been reading a bit more and indeed it seems that the two multiblog and multinetwork are not the same thing.

    However, I saw the plugin BP Multi Network which is over 2 years old.
    Do you think that it is still usable?




    BP Multi Network works perfectly fine…you need to install WP Multi Network to make it work. can you let us know what exactly you trying to accomplish? the bp menu part specially?



    Hi Sharma,
    Thank you for your reply.
    I don’t want to have multi network.
    I would be happy to build just one big network.
    I just need to give every user the necessary tools to find friends, send friend’s request and messages etc…
    So I would need to use the same BP menu available on the mainsite also on the subsite.
    After enabling multiblog i can see that only part of this menu is available on subsite.
    Example the “friends” menu is not showing on the subsite BP menu.
    So the mainsite BP menu is not complete on subsite!
    Do you know why?



    So the mainsite BP menu is not complete on subsite!

    That’s right, because on a subsite, you’re on a blog.
    BP is only active on the mainsite, as it’s where it is activated. On mainsite you see whole members fonctionnalities (friends, groups, messages and son on). On a blog, aka subsite, you’re like a user of a WP site whithout BP.

    That’s also the reason why enabling multiblog is deactivated by default and not usefull in most of case. This warning is given on the codex page i indicated you previously.

    Deactivate multiblog and revert to initial default configuration.

    On the toolbar, in top left corner, you have the usermenu with all BP items. This menu is accessible to logedin user, wherever he is. Mainsite or subsite. And that’s default behave !

    For a bit more understanding, in case you want insist to remove that menu to get it on the main nav (beside About, Home etc), please take a look to this topic.

    Cheers ! 😉



    Thanks for the reply.
    That’s a pity.
    The community or bp menu i think should be available on the entire network and not only on mainsite. Otherwise a blog user will need to go back on the mainsite to use the community tool.
    When you say the toolbar do you mean the dashboard (backend)?
    If so that’s also a pity because users don’t like to go to the backend. Instead it would be better to have the full bp menu on Frontend.



    pity??? dont think so cause thats the way it works in the first place!!!!

    you want the community/bp menu available on all the subsites and main site? and the user base would remain the same??

    if yes then do this on a multisite network:

    1. Add define( 'BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG', true ); in your wp-config.php file.

    2. install WP Multi Network and network activate it. DONT CREATE ANY NEW NETWORKS WITH THIS PLUGIN

    3. install BP Multi Network and network activate it. There are no settings for this plugin.

    now you would have community/bp menu avaiaible on all the subsites and main site. the userbase will be shared/common across all network




    I think my question would go here, although there have been some core updates since this posting. I will try to describe what I have and what I am trying to accomplish in detail in order that you can help me.

    –I have multisite installed with a buddypress supported theme.
    –I’d also like to use the YOUZER plugin (although not absolutely necessary).
    –Subsites have woocommerce stores.
    –Woocommerce accounts can be integrated with buddypress accounts (with varying plugins i.e. MyCred/Paid Membership Pro
    –Community is a paid membership

    I’d like a user to be able to purchase a membership at any subsite (shop), PLUS, have their (shop) account activity to be inclusive in their buddypress activity. Ergo…ONCE a membership is purchased – no matter WHAT site across the multi-site they sign into when they click (group/activity/members etc) it ALWAYS goes to the main (only) buddypress community.

    MyCred integration provides for their badges etc to follow them into the community. So, the question:

    Would the instructions given above in this thread hold true for the scenerio as I’ve described it?
    If not, are there other suggestions?

    Much appreciated….

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