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Non-members can see child forums in groups

  • @artisantopia


    HI. I have the following structure:

    – Private Group
    – – Private Forum Category
    – – – Private Forum
    – – – Private Forum
    – – – Private Forum

    So, a private group that has a forum. The top level forum is of type category, then the child forums are all private forums.

    If a user that is not a member visits the Group or Forum Category they cannot see anything and are shown the option to request membership.

    But if they go directly to the child forum they can access it and post. Even though they are not a member of the group.

    I have the latest versions of WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress as at today.

    Obviously it’s an issue if non-members can access a private forum so I’d really appreciate any help to resolve this issue, thanks!

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  • @artisantopia


    I just ran 2 forum repairs:
    – Recalculate private and hidden forums
    – Repair BuddyPress Group Forum relationships

    and now I have a different problem. I’ve actually been experiencing this problem on and off now for about 2 weeks and I’m starting to pull my hair out!

    So now if I go to the forum list (at the category level) I can see that there are topics in the child forums. But when I click through to the child forum it tells me “Oh bother! No topics were found here!” This is for a group that the user is a member of. There are definitely topics in that forum.

    If I change the user from a Participant to a Moderator they can see the topics.

    If I change them back to a Participant and then toggle the forum from private to public to private they can see the topics again. I have done this toggling of forum visibility several times over the past week and it only lasts for a day or two, then I’m back at this problem.



    Further testing:
    – I’ve changed to TwentyFifteen theme
    – deactivated all plugins except for BuddyPress and bbPress

    I still can’t see topics that the user should be able to see. And they can access a private forum they aren’t a member of.

    Where do I even begin to figure out what is going wrong with this site?



    hi @artisantopia,

    seems you found a bug ! 😉 I tested your issue and got the same behave.

    Please report this on Trac and mention your first topic. Trac login use same credentials as here.

    I report this on bbPress slack immediatly. (in case of)

    Thank you.



    I have the same bug, using BP 2.7.4.




    in case you haven’t investigate about that issue, here’s the ticket on BP trac

    and the one on bbPress trac where you can/should post your own remarks as it is not a BuddyPress issue!

    As it has no answer yet, i recommend you to bump that ticket.

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