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Function/Call to access Custom Profile Fields?

  • shedmore


    Okay, I have been browsing the site up and down…and I feel like I am missing something obvious…sorry if it has already been answered, but I couldnt find it.

    What is the best approach (is there a function or api) to access custom fields within a plugin I want to create….or do I have to do it through sql directly.

    Lets say I setup a plugin that wants to evaluate whether to do something based on the age of a member. The age is a custom text field I created in the profile field setup in the buddypress admin….

    How can I actually get & set THAT custom xprofile data for use in the plugin?

    If this sets the display_name

    xprofile_set_field_data( BP_XPROFILE_FULLNAME_FIELD_NAME, $usermeta[‘display_name’], $user_id );

    Then is there something that is similar to set data to a “custom” field like my age example…and vice versa, whats the best way to “get” the data too

    I hope my question is clear, but if it isnt please let me know


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  • shedmore



    I could really use the help please!

    xprofile_get_field_data( $field_name_or_id, $user_id );



    Thanks Andy, I appreciate it. I can see it now…I will dig through the bp-xprofile.php to figure out the other functions.

    Thanks for the great work!



    Andy let me ask you….I am playing with the bp-facebook plugin you ported, and specifically trying to add a value to the insert function you have in there now

    function bp_fbconnect_insert_data( $user_id, $usermeta )

    ///////I tried setting an extra value inside that function – statically for now (just for testing) right under the default “full name” insert you have in there now.

    I set it up like this:

    xprofile_set_field_data(‘Age’, $user_id, ‘Test’);

    I have tried setting with double quotes, no quotes, and several different ways, but it never seems to insert into the “Age” field I created in Buddypress.

    Any ideas whats going wrong here? I am wondering if this function isnt firing at the right time? OR maybe I am making a stupid mistake :)

    Thoughts? Thanks



    Okay….Andy is probably busy, I didnt mean to explicitly ask Andy (only) :)…if anyone has any advice on this I would appreciate it!

    Damon Cook


    I’m attempting to do something kinda similar. I just want to create a block (pardon my Drupal lingo) that shows a blog’s author information in my theme. I want to specifically show their BP custom fields.

    Right now I’ve copied over bp-sn-parent/profile/profile-loop.php to my theme and called: locate_template( array( 'profile/profile-loop.php' ), true ) but this gives me everything in the user’s profile. I would like to get a little more granular and just specify certain fields. hmmm

    Here is my current example as it exists.



    For some reason…no matter what I try, I can’t inject SPECIFIC variables via the xprofile_set_field_data function….I run this function (below)

    ONLY AFTER running two conditionals to make sure


    ONE the buddypress globals are set


    TWO the check for the xprofile function passes

    Both conditionals pass (as expected) then go to my test function below


    End result — The echo statement appears correctly…but nothing is appearing in the field values for the user – I am pulling my hair out??????



    function BP_Insert_Test($wpuid, $age) {

    $age = ’22’; // Should appear in the profile

    echo(‘user id is ‘ . $wpuid . ‘ and userdata is ‘ . $age);

    xprofile_set_field_data(2, $wpuid, $age);


    Any ideas?



    Okay…I have more details from my testing. It works now, but I am not really sure WHY. It seems to me that you have to (for some reason) call the get_field_data function (even if its on a useless peice of data) before you can use the set_field_data function.

    If you notice from my post above…the only thing that is different is that I have added a new variable that is simply capturing the Name field (number 1). Well when I add this:

    $nametestfield = xprofile_get_field_data(1,$wpuid);

    And then the set_field after it (with my age variable)…than it starts working, and the field is inputted.

    SO….Is there a reason why you can’t call the set_field independently. Calling in the name is basicaly useless in the function above, but it DOES make the whole thing work for some reason.


    function BP_Insert_Test($wpuid, $age) {

    $age = ‘tester gender’;

    $nametestfield = xprofile_get_field_data(1,$wpuid);

    echo(‘user name exists already’ . $wpuid . ‘ and userdata is ‘ . $age);

    echo(‘Need Field is’ . $nametestfield);

    xprofile_set_field_data(2, $wpuid, $age);




    Anybody have ideas on the post/question above????

    I’m also facing same issue.. even I added manually insert query inside code like this (I have stored the values in session)

    $sql=”INSERT INTO wp_bp_xprofile_data (field_id, user_id, value) VALUES(1,$curr_id, ‘”.$_SESSION.”‘)”;
    result=mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());

    This is storing the data in database but not retrieving :(
    @shedmore did u got this fixed up ???

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