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The BEST Plugin for BuddyPress?

  • thealchemist


    I know this might stir up a hornet’s nest of ego angst but I was curious what you FEEL has been the BEST BP PLUGIN for you? What’s really made your site more useful? more easily managed? more fun?

    For me, “Achievements” takes the cake for the most FUN and USEFUL plugin. The plugin incites users to participate and interact with each other. It integrates with an invite plugin so that members can get points for inviting others. Both of these activities will surely help my site grow. I have attached a rewards system to the points so members can exchange points for merchandise to make it even more fun.

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    Tekuan Coleman


    I have the achievement and thought it was an awesome plugin as well….but i havent been able to use it yet because i dont know where to get awards from and how to set it up where they can use their points to buy awards or gifts for others….can you post your site so i can se how you used it or give me feedback on how i can use mine (set up awards and have people interact). i promise i want steal any of your ideas or material i just want to gain an idea on how to do this…thanks



    Not to add fuel but, I guess I’ll chime in as it was thread title that looked interesting. I also think Achievements should get BP Plugin of the Year award. It is the most “fun” and “useful” and it works.

    Hi. About Achievements: at the moment, points earned through unlocking achievements are not used for anything other than a highscore table. There is no virtual store and they are not intended to be a form of virtual currency.
    Have you seen how to create the Achievements by going to and clicking the “create” button at the top of the page?

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