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Had it all working now it’s back to all not working! Yikes

  • @h003


    So I removed all themes/plugins in an attempt to fix this problem then re-installed buddypress and the default theme. It still won’t allow me to upload a custom header (the exact one which uploaded fine on my first try last week). The forum tab flickers open the ‘new topic’ form for a second before returning to the regular forum tab content. The avatars will not upload once the crop option pops up, blankness and question marks appear, then it asks you to upload again which continues the cycle. Header remains blank.

    Once upon a time, as in this morning, I had it all working with the .css customized and a great header and background I designed. Then I installed Super Cache and a Minimizing plugin for optimizing loading speed, dots appeared next to permalinks completely misaligned, the avatar uploading issue cropped up. So I removed all plugins, themes in an attempt to start back at square one where things worked. No such luck.

    The speed checking site says the jquery, objects and scripts are too big. I’m not having any luck so please help me? :0)


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