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404 page not found – clean install

  • @ralphbar


    Hi, I’m new to WordPress and Buddypress, but do have a reasonable grasp of basic web development PHP and mySQL. I have downloaded and installed the latest WordPress (3.0) and Buddypress ( this morning. The dashboard resports that I have the latest version of WP and that all my plugins and themes are up to date. I have activated the Buddypress Plugin and changed the permalinks from the default as instructed.

    As far as I can see I have a completely clean install, yet the only links that work are log in, log out and the home page. If I choose ‘Activity’ ‘Members’ ‘Groups’ or ‘About’ I get a 404 not found – the requested URL was not found on this server.

    I have tried this on the local apache server and on a commercial host server I use for other sites and mySQL databases – both are the same.

    Although I can see several people reporting the same or similar problems I have yet to find a solution. Is there anyone out these who can explain why this happens and what to do about it?

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