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How to create Forums?

  • Snaky Love


    Well, sorry, my question may be very dumb, but I do not get it – how do I create Forums at all???
    I created a fresh install of wp-mu and installed buddypress via the plugin install interface. No problem. “Setup Forum” also seems to create the tables in mysql as I can see with mysql admin, but I do´t have any option to create a forum with sub-forums. Also I do not see any option to crerate some groups in the admin interface. What am I missing???
    Thank you very much for your attention!

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  • shrewdies


    Forums belong to groups, so you create a group, and make sure the forum box is ticked. There are no sub-forums as far as I know.

    The hidden trick to creating groups is to enter yourdomain/groups/

    This brings up a form with a create group button. Once the group is created, you can edit it through the top menu bar (My Account – Groups – Admin).

    Snaky Love


    OK, thanks, got it! Another question follows up: as I see everybody can create forums – how can I restrict group creation to certain user roles?
    As I can see in wp_user_roles there seems not to be any group_create capability – is it possible at all atm to restrict group creation? Thanks!

    There is a plugin to restrict creating groups; please check through the plugins list under the ‘Extend’ tab

    Snaky Love


    Thank you very much, hnla!!!



    Hi there,
    Seems to me that I have similar problem. Installed the last version of WP and BP. Whenever I try to create new group, (or to send a message to some member) I get “There was an error saving group details, please try again.” Also get error msg when is set request for friendship; in my profile can’t edit my profile ( send’s me to the Home page), I can only upload avator. And not to forget, new members can’t create account because they are redirected to a Home page after clicking the button Complete Sing Up, without getting email with the user details. “The hidden trick to creating groups is to enter yourdomain/groups/” wouldn’t help. So if anybody can help, please do it!

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