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How to I completely remove buddypress from my database?

  • I installed buddypress and then I tried to install bbPress. The buddypress install was preventing the bbPress installer from coming up so I deactivated and removed the buddypress plugin. I also dropped all bb_ tables from my database.

    While the bbPress installer comes up buddypress is still interferring with my attempts to install bbPress. How do I remove buddypress from my database completely so I can successfully install bbPress?

    I plan to re-install buddypress once I get bbPress running but for now I need it totally gone.

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  • Boone Gorges


    Drop all the tables that start with wp_bp_. There are also a few options in the wp_options table (or wp_sitemeta on a network install) that start with bp_ but they probably won’t affect bbPress installation.

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