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[Resolved] Buddypress group page lost styling

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  • jhammond2011


    No idea anyone?

    A little too soon to bump!

    What’s a ‘wrap’ ?

    You don’t really provide any details so no, haven’t really got a clue how you’ve ‘lost’ something.

    What were you doing? What changes did you make? I can see that you have an element ‘.wrap’ that closes before BP content which on other pages looks to enclose content so that’s probably your issue, but how that has happened only you can figure out.



    Sorry about that, I am new to the community. My apologies.

    All of my other pages content has wrap tags around it to format it.

    content here

    It has been like this out of the box.

    Yes I could see that on inspection as I mention above it’s likely the issue, how that has happened only you can know something changed but not possible for us to guess at what. You’ll need to edit that template file by the looks of things and move the closing div to a point after the BP content – use one of the other BP pages as a guide.



    Do you know where that template is pulled from?

    Should be groups/index.php



    Hmm, everything seems to be correct. Is there a chance it could be pulling from somewhere else?

    Here is the index.php file –

    Sorry I don’t make a habit of downloading zip files from unknown sources.

    All I can say is comparison of the group index and other BP pages suggests group index is wrong, if somehow this theme pulls files from elsewhere that’s a question for the theme authors really, this is a custom premium theme so they should really deal with any issues users may be having, also have you not got the original site files, can you not replace the group index file from the original, or is this a theme upgrade that you performed that sent things awry?



    Its fixed. Thanks for your help

    Did you find the div in question in that index page?



    It ended up being the buddypress group hierarchy that I installed. When installed it reverts to its index file.

    Ah that would have been useful info that the group hierarchy plugin was in use, as it does use it’s own templates that have to live in a folder /tree/ which can be a little confusing, also watch that plugin it is a clever one but as it changes so much about how groups work other plugins or actions on groups can run into issues so if experiencing issues with groups always look there first as possible reason.



    Will do. THanks for the warning. Wish BuddyPress had this built in. 🙁

    It ought to be considered and think it was briefly mentioned once long ago but there’s always enough to do in each BP release cycle.

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