Call to undefined function bp_has_forum_topics()
Keep getting this error: Fatal error:
Call to undefined function bp_has_forum_topics() in C:\BitNami\wordpress-3.5.2-0\apps\wordpress\htdocs\wp-content\themes\My-Child\New Test.php on line 16
When trying to put this loop found in the codex in a template:
<?php if ( bp_has_forum_topics('newest') ) : ?> <div class="pagination"> <div id="post-count" class="pag-count"> <?php bp_forum_pagination_count() ?> </div> <div class="pagination-links" id="topic-pag"> <?php bp_forum_pagination() ?> </div> </div> <table class="forum"> <tr> <th id="th-title"><?php _e( 'Topic Title', 'buddypress' ) ?></th> <th id="th-poster"><?php _e( 'Latest Poster', 'buddypress' ) ?></th> <?php if ( !bp_is_group_forum() ) : ?> <th id="th-group"><?php _e( 'Posted In Group', 'buddypress' ) ?></th> <?php endif; ?> <th id="th-postcount"><?php _e( 'Posts', 'buddypress' ) ?></th> <th id="th-freshness"><?php _e( 'Freshness', 'buddypress' ) ?></th> </tr> <?php while ( bp_forum_topics() ) : bp_the_forum_topic(); ?> <tr class="<?php bp_the_topic_css_class() ?>"> <td class="td-title"> <a class="topic-title" href="<?php bp_the_topic_permalink() ?>" title="<?php bp_the_topic_title() ?> - <?php _e( 'Permalink', 'buddypress' ) ?>"> <?php bp_the_topic_title() ?> </a> </td> <td class="td-poster"> <a href="<?php bp_the_topic_permalink() ?>"><?php bp_the_topic_last_poster_avatar( 'type=thumb&width=20&height=20' ) ?></a> <div class="poster-name"><?php bp_the_topic_last_poster_name() ?></div> </td> <?php if ( !bp_is_group_forum() ) : ?> <td class="td-group"> <a href="<?php bp_the_topic_object_permalink() ?>"><?php bp_the_topic_object_avatar( 'type=thumb&width=20&height=20' ) ?></a> <div class="object-name"><a href="<?php bp_the_topic_object_permalink() ?>" title="<?php bp_the_topic_object_name() ?>"><?php bp_the_topic_object_name() ?></a></div> </td> <?php endif; ?> <td class="td-postcount"> <?php bp_the_topic_total_posts() ?> </td> <td class="td-freshness"> <?php bp_the_topic_time_since_last_post() ?> </td> </tr> <?php endwhile; ?> </table> <?php else: ?> <div id="message" class="info"> <p><?php _e( 'Sorry, there were no forum topics found.', 'buddypress' ) ?></p> </div> <?php endif;?>
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