What is the difference
could someone please explain, what is the important difference (from question of localizaion) of:
`function bpxs_check_email_confirm()
global $bp, $bpxs;if( $bpxs->options->email_confirmation == true )
// unset any existing errors
unset( $bp->signup->errors );//check if email address is correct and set an error message for the first field if any
$account_details = bp_core_validate_user_signup( $_POST, $_POST );if( ! empty( $account_details->errors ) )
$bp->signup->errors = $account_details->errors[0];if( ! empty( $_POST ) )
if( empty( $_POST ) )
$bp->signup->errors = __( ‘Please make sure you enter your email twice’, ‘bpxs’ );elseif( $_POST != $_POST )
$bp->signup->errors = __( ‘The emails you entered do not match.’, ‘bpxs’ );
add_action(‘bp_signup_validate’, ‘bpxs_check_email_confirm’);`and
`function bpxs_validate_username( $user_name )
global $wpdb;$maybe = array();
preg_match( “/[a-z0-9]+/”, $user_name, $maybe );$db_illegal_names = get_option( ‘illegal_names’ );
$filtered_illegal_names = apply_filters( ‘bp_core_illegal_usernames’, array( ‘www’, ‘web’, ‘root’, ‘admin’, ‘main’, ‘invite’, ‘administrator’, BP_GROUPS_SLUG, BP_MEMBERS_SLUG, BP_FORUMS_SLUG, BP_BLOGS_SLUG, BP_REGISTER_SLUG, BP_ACTIVATION_SLUG ) );$illegal_names = array_merge( (array)$db_illegal_names, (array)$filtered_illegal_names );
if( ! validate_username( $user_name ) || $user_name != $maybe[0] )
$error = __( ‘Only lowercase letters and numbers allowed.’, ‘bpxs’ );if( in_array( $user_name, (array)$illegal_names ) )
$error = __( ‘This username is reserved. Please chose another one.’, ‘bpxs’ );if( strlen( $user_name ) < 4 )
$error = __( ‘Username must be at least 4 characters.’, ‘bpxs’ ) ;if( strpos( ‘ ‘ . $user_name, ‘_’ ) != false )
$error = __( ‘Usernames must not contain the character “_”!’, ‘bpxs’ ) ;$match = array();
preg_match( ‘/[0-9]*/’, $user_name, $match );if( $match[0] == $user_name )
$error = __( ‘Usernames must contain letters too!’, ‘bpxs’ ) ;$error = apply_filters( ‘bpxs_custom_error’, $error, $user_name );
return $error;
}`after loading textdomains both codes are translated (in one plugin), but issue is that first is recognized by multilingual plugins, but second is not. if issue is in global $wpdb;, how can I pass round it?
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