I translated buddypress.pot from English to Japanese.(about 80%)
Guess you translated the wrong file.
Must be buddypress.po, not buddypress.pot. And you have to compile the po file into mo.
In the header information, they’re missing keywords. You have only
“X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;_;_e\n”
Should be
“X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;”
- Rename the file to buddypress-ja.po
- Add the above keywordlist manually, with a text editor.
- Open the file with poEdit and run “update” from source or from a blank pot file (yours contain a translation, you’ll have to get a new virgin copy)
- Translate !
dan if there’s a problem with how we generate our pot file, please can you create a trac ticket with details so we can fix it? Thanks.
Thank you,everyone.
It’s a difficult problem…
I changed the above keywordlist manually.
But I don’t know that how to check “the header informations”.
like this.
I’m not a computer programmer..
Please tell me ,if you like.
I don’t get Japanese BuddyPress yet.
Thank you.
Sorry,I got the header information using TeraPad.
I’m not familiar with japanese, sorry. But it could be possible that .ja uses
1) another plural form (the one in the example is for fr and some other occidental languages)
2) another charset as utf8
Read on WordPress Codex where you find more information arond these settings.
Additionaly you can also get in contact with the japanese WP translation team, for better guidance for this very specifif problem or ask for that on the WPpolyglot blog.
I thank all of you from my heart for your cooperation.
I got a Japanese BuddyPress2.1.
I changed my theme from “FirmaSite” to “rtPanel”.
I made a basic error.
This is translated file .mo and .po .
If you like.
I like BitCoin,it’s my address.
Thank you!
Above .mo and .po file is the original version.
For example,Group is title,friends is acquaintance ,and so on.
If you want to get a your version,Please tell me.
I will ready Japanese .mo file.