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Restricting a datebox in the xProfile so that it only displays month and date (not year)

  • stormin909


    I am looking to set up a ‘Birthday’ profile field in Buddypress that displays a month and date, but not a year. I have not been able to figure out how to remove the year drop-down box from the options on the “Edit Profile” page. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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  • Amm… I’m not sure, but maybe you can edit the file inside you theme folder (members/single/profile/edit.php) and remove the line of

    `<select name="_year” id=”_year”>


    I’m not sure, but maybe it can work.



    i have a similar problem… when the user does not select the year but only day and month buddypress will assign the current year as year of birth (e.g. 2011).
    Is there a solution to avoid this?

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