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People are able to create a new user, but their user is not shown under the members list.

  • nathanielrenton


    I, as the admin can create users (and they will appear under the members list) but when someone else tries to create a user, their user does not show up.
    I’m hoping there’s a simple setting that I’m overlooking..

    Can anybody help me out?
    Thanks a lot

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  • Whom do you mean by someone else? super admins may create users but not just anyone if you mean other site admins then you have to allow them to add new users



    Thanks for responding.
    How can I go about letting anyone join and become a member? I wouldn’t have thought that would be difficult.

    Again not quite sure what you mean. If you are referring to people joining the BP community or for that matter simply registering at the WP level then you need to enable the option to register.



    I’d like anybody to be able to create an account, access the forums, and be able to create groups.
    Really I just want to understand why, when someone not involved with the site, creates an account (and their role is set to “member”) they don’t appear under the members list.

    Is that any help?

    Then you need to enable site registrations, people then need to register, receive their activation email activate their account login and do something then they should appear in BP members directory. You will need to ensure BP settings allow users to create groups and that forums are setup.

    What type of WP install are you running? With multisite users are added under Network Admin users list in the dashboard and have to be manually added to main or other sites and given WP roles if required.



    – 3.1
    – Under General Settings, Membership is set to “anyone can register.”
    – When someone signs up they do appear under Users in my dashboard. I assume that means that I’m using multisite, but I don’t even know how to check whether or not I’m using it.
    – I’ve tried changing a users role in the dashboard, and no matter what role I give them, they won’t appear under the members list on the site.
    – Also, I’ve registered multiple users and haven’t received a confirmation email.

    Anything else I could be missing?

    You would know if you were using Multisite as setting up a WP install to run in Multisite mode is a manual procedure where you have to first add a line to wp-config then a new option appears in the dashboard to set up a network.

    If you’ve added users from the backend then log in as that user on the main site.

    Non receipt of activation emails could be any number of issues but generally it’s a server based one rather than WP and/or emails from the server are getting rejected by the receiving server if it thinks your server is not allowed to send emails from your domain name, also check spam boxes ion case they’ve been dropped in there



    Alright, so you’re saying multisite is something that I need to allow people to sign up?

    I, as the admin can add users and they’ll be displayed under the members list. When some random tries to sign up.. no dice.

    No :)

    Multisite allows you to create a network of blogs as subdomains or subfolders. You do not need multisite to run a WP/BP social network that can run on the single primary blog and naturally have users sign up to it.



    Well that sounds pretty bad ass. If only it would work.

    So, if changing a users role to “Member” doesn’t add them to the members list, can you think of anything else I could be screwing up?

    Not really. Have you actually tried what I suggested earlier? Create a user in the backend and then log in as that user?



    If I create a user in the backend then that user will be displayed in the members list, great. But I don’t want to have to create new users myself, I need people to be able to create their own accounts.

    Is that making sense?

    Can they register? do you have a registration page? when that is completed and submitted is the issue that they don’t receive an email verification code? if the system is not sending emails correctly then you neeed to look at things from the server level first and establish that you can actually send emails correctly, or if not sure contact your hosts and ask for help.



    They can register, and I as the admin can see them in the users portion of the dashboard. But they aren’t displayed under the members list on the site and are not able to do anything. The email confirmation doesn’t seem to be working.
    Can you give me a link? or an idea as to what I’ll need to edit to make this work?

    Thanks for your help.

    As I’ve mentioned emails not being received is not really a WP/BP issue it’s a server configuration / email records spam filtering one, certain hosts are known to cause issues -many employ plugin solutions to bypass problems although that doesn’t really resolve issues.

    I would suggest you try a search of the forum posts as there have been many threads started on the subject.



    Alright, thanks again for you help.

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