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How to delete "create group" button?

  • @iryna_b


    WP – 3.92
    BP – 2.1


    I have “Create group” button displayed 2 times in my Groups directory. One – is a part of breadcrumbs, second is the part of group title. I was wondering how do I delete that button which is a part of group title?

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  • @hnla


    This sounds as though you may be using old templates? We removed the old default action of pushing the group create button out into the heading tag in the 2.0.0 release, that change required existing themes to possibly make adjustments if they had perhaps overloaded the bp-functions.php file which had a new set of group create button actions. my memory is hazy on the issue but the trac ticket covering the change is at:

    You will need to provide details of your theme as without any detail of your setup it’s difficult to help – as a check try activating one of the WP shipped themes i.e twentyfourteen, does the double entry of the button still happen, if not you know it’s a theme related matter.



    Thanks for a quick response!
    I switched to WP default theme and group create button is displayed together with the header.
    Yes, I’ve seen that ticket when trying to search for an answer before posting here, but honestly, don’t understand much from it.
    My theme is Responsive. Or do you need another info?



    I still haven’t managed to resolve this issue.
    Anyone would be willing to help me?



    Your issue is related to your theme.
    Have you tried asking the theme author about your issue?



    No, I haven’t. It’s just the previous moderator provided info for possible help, but I didn’t receive any feedback since then.



    You do need to pass this to the theme author as it’s theme related and have them look into it. I would have done that while waiting on any other responses 🙂 it’s not really that easy for us to fix without seeing your theme files.



    Ok, thanks. Then I will ask theme author. I just thought it’s Buddypress related and I didn’t want to bother theme authors with additional questions.

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