There’s a `do_action` hook you can use:
`xprofile_updated_profile` (located in /buddypress/bp-xprofile.php.)
You could potentially use the wp_mail() function to send an email to the admin with this hook.
Don’t know what a `do_action` is and how to make use of it?
If you’re familiar with a tiny bit of PHP, here’s some articles that will help:
Here’s something quick you can try:
`function my_update_profile_send( $id ) {
$text = bp_core_get_user_domain( $id );
wp_mail( ‘YOUR ADMIN EMAIL ADDRESS’, ‘Profile Updated’, $text );
add_action( ‘xprofile_updated_profile’, ‘my_update_profile_send’ );`
Put the code snippet in your theme’s functions.php.
Hi r-a-y,
Thank-you very much for pointing me in the right direction and providing a useful example of how it can be implemented – it works too.
This will greatly assist me in expanding other areas of the website also. I’m only new to buddypress but am slowly learning.
Thanks again,
Hi r-a-y,
Almost two months after implementing this I have developed it further and it’s working great! Thanks again for your help.
However, I am struggling to work out how I can implement this same function for status updates in addition to profile updates? Using your code, how would I need to edit it and where would it need to go?
function my_update_profile_send( $id ) {
$text = bp_core_get_user_domain( $id );
wp_mail( ‘YOUR ADMIN EMAIL ADDRESS’, ‘Profile Updated’, $text );
add_action( ‘xprofile_updated_profile’, ‘my_update_profile_send’ );
Is anyone able to assist/point me in the right direction?
Where can I find a list of do_actions?
I need to get a notification upon account email change and also status update. Can anyone help please?
I need the following:
Yet WordPress have closed their ticket, can anyone offer some support on this? Where can I add the above code?
I need to know when someone changes their account email and also when someone updates their status.
Hi Steve,
Missed your mentions.
do_actions can be found by searching for them. If you have a good search program, do a search for “do_action” throughout the /plugins/buddypress/ folder. (You’ll get a lot of results! It’s better to just sift through the code to find what you want though.)
As for specifics, the do_action for activity updates is “bp_activity_add”:
The code snippet above will not work with this as the parameter for “bp_activity_add” is different.