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Redirect to profile after login ONLY IF

  • @manu-pb


    I am new at BP and on this forum and I was not able to find an answer to my question. Maybe it exist already, if so I apologize. Should I mention that I’m a poor developer ?
    I have 500 (already) registered users on my blog, and I just installed BP and BP custom profiles .
    I noticed that the BP community is empty, and will only increase when the user logs in. So it would be good that the (already registered) user be obliged to fill his/her BP profile, so to enlarge the community.
    The redirect-to-profile plugin does this, but for each login.
    I would like that the redirection occurs ONLY IF (but as long as) the BP profile is not saved (for instance, that some required fields are empty). And when the profile is saved, there will be no redirection any-more. At least, a warning “your profile is not complete” would be appreciable.
    Thank you for help and advice.

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