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[Resolved] Customize text in BuddyPress 2.1.1 Activation Email?

  • ideasdesigninc


    I’m running WordPress v4.0 with BuddyPress 2.1.1 on an Apache based server, and I was wondering how I might go about customizing the text that’s in the activation email (or in ANY of the BuddyPress confirmation emails, for that matter).

    I’ve been researching this for nearly an hour now, and all of the tutorials I’ve come across mention that you’re supposed to add a filter hook of some kind, — either to your theme’s functions.php file — or to a bp-custom.php file that’s in the plugins folder. However — the comments on those posts/tutorials are then littered with complaints stating that “it doesn’t work”. Also — the couple of wordpress plugins I’ve found and tried that are supposed to allow for the customizing of the emails also don’t seem to work at all.

    So what’s the proper way to customize the activation/confirmation emails when using BuddyPress 2.1.1 ? Is there some new and improved WordPress plugin that’s available from some where that will allow me to do this? If not .. then what are the most recent instructions for adding the ncessary filter hooks when using BuddyPress v2.1.1?

    Or can this be done by editing a language file, by any chance? Please advise.

    – Yvan

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  • danbp


    hi @ideasdesigninc,

    can this be done by editing a language file ?

    Yes, this is also best practice and the easiest way to do that, even if your site is in english.

    Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs

    And here a somehow recent tutorial about filtering such messages.

    Also to be clear, when it’s time to use, we all made errors. So “it’s not working” is mostly because we did something wrong. 😉



    So .. do I need to do both (modify the language file AND filter the message)? Or if all I need to do is modify the language file … will I have the ability to change the message to HTML format? Or can I only change the message the HTML format by filtering it?

    – Yvan



    No, not both option.

    The language file will need to be maintained while using the filter method may be more flexible. In fact, it’s very project dependant. Choice is on your side.

    will I have the ability to change the message to HTML format?
    Why would you do this ? So far i know, wp/bp mails are sent out in multipart HTML and plain text email format.

    If the question is How to style the HTML of the messages, use a plugin like WP Better Emails.



    >> If the question is How to style the HTML of the messages, use a plugin like WP Better Emails.

    Will this plugin allow me to customize the BuddyPress 2.1.1 emails? And does it allow me to change the content of each of the emails, .. or just the HTML styling of them?

    – Yvan



    I wrote:
    If the question is How to style the HTML of the messages (ok with a french accent, but seriously, is it so ambiguous? 🙄 ) On each WordPress plugin page, you have a description. Read it !



    I actually did read the description, and saw no mention whatsoever that WP Better Emails would allow me to modify any of the BuddyPress specific emails. Or does BuddyPress just hook into WordPress’s built-in emailing system for when new users are created?

    – Yvan



    Nevermind — I just installed and tested the plugin and it does exactly what I was looking for – thanks so much!

    – Yvan

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