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Page Not Found error for some members but not others

  • kristinrutten


    WordPress 4.0 running DynamiX theme
    Buddypress 2.1.1

    I am getting a Page Not Found error when trying to access individual member pages for everyone except myself and one other member.

    So far, I have…
    -scoured this support forum in search of an answer with no luck
    -compared user accounts and see no difference between the member I can view and those I cannot
    -tried deactivating plugins one at a time with no change
    -tried changing permalinks, saving, clearing the cache, changing them back to the BP setting (post name)and clearing the cache again with no effect

    I am using bbPress as well as several BP plugins, including: BuddyPress Facebook, BuddyPress Members Import, BuddyPress Toolbar, BuddyPress Twitter, BuddyPress user account type PRO, and GD bbPress Attachments. Other plugins include Advanced Excerpt, Akismet, All-in-One Event Calendar by, Official StatCounter Plugin and WPBakery Visual Composer.

    I was not having this problem before but haven’t touched the site in quite a while so I don’t know when the change happened. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks πŸ™‚

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  • danbp


    hi @kristinrutten,

    have you imported users from an older wp site ?
    Are you hosted on wpengine ? (toc toc @hnla ? )

    Try to use the repair tool: dashboard > tools

    What about avatar settings ? dashboard > general > discussion

    About plugins
    buddypress toolbar was intended for 1.5/1.6/1.7 – outdated now.
    BuddyPress Members Import did you use it more as 1 time ?
    On a default install, WP and BP users are in the same table: wp_users
    In BP settings you can sync WP and BP users. Extended profile fields are stored in 4 other tables: _xprofile_somename
    And WP has is own import tools…
    IMO you can deactivate them.

    Deactivate all plugins, but BP and activate 2013 theme. At this stage the avatars should appear.



    If nothing above works, see also here and open a ticket with as much details as possible with this topic url.



    Thanks for the response… to answer your questions:
    – No – I did not import users from an older site.
    – Yes – I am hosted on wpEngine
    – I did try repair tools already with no effect.
    – I’ve checked avatar settings and don’t see anything amiss. I’m not sure why that is a question though as my issue isn’t with avatars (my new users haven’t even been able to add avatars yet because of this issue). It’s the entire profile page that doesn’t load and instead gets a Page Not Found error.
    – Members import – I imported this particular list just once. I used it two other times a year ago for different lists with no problem.
    – WP & BP users are supposed to be synced per my BP settings, but I’m not sure that’s happening correctly.

    I will try deactivating the outdated plugsin you mentioned again, but I’ve already tried deactivating all of them once and didn’t see any effect. If that doesn’t work, I’ll open up a ticket as suggested.

    Thanks again for your help.. if you have additional ideas at this point, I’d love to hear them.



    Have you tested with one of the bullet proven 2013 or 2014 themes ?

    Some Dynamix related topics can be found here.

    – Members import – I used it two other times a year ago for different lists with no problem.
    A year ago means datas from BP ~1.7 and the reason why i mentionned the ticket.

    my issue isn’t with avatars
    I have a doubt πŸ˜‰ : on your members directory, the default avatar is gravatar who doesn’t appear. Avatars may not be the issue but are related to profiles.

    Try to use Mystery Man instead. if he appears as default avatar, there is perhaps a conflict with media upload or permalinks.

    The other thing i observe, is that you and the other user who’s profile access is ok, are the only one using a username in the URL. All other members have first and last name.

    Do you use a custom function or a plugin to get this ?

    About wpengine, is this already the case ?



    I haven’t had time to weed through all of your observations but here is what I’ve checked so far:

    – Mystery man DOES show, so as you suggest, a conflict with media upload or permalinks is possible. I am not really a programmer though so I have no idea what I would need to do to fix that. Suggestions?

    – No, I do not use a custom function or plugin to get the username. I’m guessing that the two users that are different were created the usual way, while the rest were done using the import plugin. It worked previously, though as you mentioned that was with different versions.

    – I’m not sure what your question is on wpengine except that it relates to auto updates.



    Also… I just tried switching to the Twenty-Thirteen theme and still had the problem. Page Not Found.



    I just tried adding a member the usual way and it works fine. So, I’m guessing this an issue with the import plugin. Guess I’ll have to add everyone one at a time… unless there are other suggestions?



    Just came across this while looking for another issue. I had a problem awhile back with a type of custom user on a WP site that wouldn’t show up in the Author dropdown box. It sounds unrelated, but the fix might help. After I applied some changes to the definition for that custom user type, the changes wouldn’t take place until I switched the user to another role (e.g., editor), then switched them back to the custom role I had defined. Doing that seemed to call the user definition function again, and the problem went away. If the problematic users are showing up in your Admin Panel->Users area, it might be worth a try.

    On a side note, if you ever have 500 errors on your site, there is a severe conflict between the newer versions of WP Bakery Visual Composer and the All-in-one Event Calendar. Basically, you can’t use the shortcodes for the Timely Calendar in the content area, nor can you use the Timely widget(s) within Visual Composer without breaking that page (and possibly your site). You can put Timely stuff in a sidebar or call their shortcodes with PHP via a template or something.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!

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