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Add in-game characters

  • Hey all, first time I’ll try these forums out here.

    I’m currently fixing a gaming guild website, and it’s working great with WP and BP together. I have all the functions I want for the website, except one thing. I want my members to be able to create characters. For example, I want member X to be able to register character Xman who’s level 60, that-race, that-class etc. Basically just a form where I want to add the needed lines etc. Now, where you go to Members and list them, I want people to be able to list characters too, so you’ll have 2 (or more) different tabs since we play alot of games.

    For example, click members, and you see all members as usual, and at the top of the page you can select to view [members] [game1 characters] [game2 characters] and so forth. Is there a plugin that will allow me to do this, cause I haven’t found one yet.

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  • Hi. I’ve not seen any plugins that will give you this, unfortunately.

    Okay, well, would it take time to write that sort of cod by one self? I’m very new to php and css, but if it can done fairly easily I think I might just brush up on basics and the things necessary to code it, since it’s a very important part of the website I’m creating.

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