Sadly, that plugin does break with 1.5, and it is currently abandoned. The author stated someone else can pick it up.
I see… I think we are talking about a different plugin and functionality.
I’m talking about this one:
And it’s complete functionality is listed on the roadmap for 1.5 
That roadmap page is over a year out of date.
Privacy controls would still be a very welcome feature, either directly in BP, or through a solid plug-in.
@linusf I tried that plugin, and while it installs cleanly in 1.5, it doesn’t seem to work. I don’t see any areas where I can set privacy options on my profile fields.
Making you aware of this topic. I’m about to say that this is a greatly appreciated feature for BuddyPress!
I found your Git repository, nice work with the update! Have you made any progress on updating the plugin for bp1.5?
Did you ever get in touch with the original author?
If that’s not the case, I think you should apply to take over the plugin group. Maybe someone on twitter can help?
For now we have upgraded the plugin to work correctly with WordPress 3.2.1 / BuddyPress 1.2.9
We gonna update soon our platform to bp 1.5 so should’t be a problem to upgrade
I’m trying to contact the author throughout his forum but still hasn’t got any answer.
We gonna wait a bit and clear up the code and the documentation, and in case we gonna apply for the plugin group 
I’m posting here the url to the github repo just for easy consultation:
Great news @piermaria!
Good luck with the upgrades. I will gladly help out with any testing if necessary 
Hi @piermaria
Have you had any luck upgrading the plugin to be compatible with BuddyPress 1.5? How much will this cost?
HI there !
I NEED this privacy back to my blog – is sooooo importend !
Any news?
Privacy for Profilfields ….
me too we had to remove all personal info from our visitor profiles after we upgraded and now we can’t run contests please help!
Hi @piermaria
Have you had any luck upgrading the plugin to be compatible with BuddyPress 1.5? How much will this cost?
To update this thread, basic profile privacy is currently being worked on:
It will most likely be a plugin before it is included within the main BuddyPress core code.
Timetable for release (if I were to guess) would be late this year / early next year.
Dear all, i’ve updated the plugin to work with BP 1.5, this is a transitional update, please consider to test it before implementing it in a production site can be downloaded from git
please test and send me feedback
also I suggest to substitute it with the current downloadable versions from this group