Cant activate pending accounts
Hello, I am trying to activate pending members and keep getting an error that says, “There was a problem activating accounts. Please try again.” It use to work just fine, but just quit the other day. I got like 3500 pending users right now and am getting behind with activating, any ideas how to fix this would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
I have installed BP – registration options to activate what I can for now, but it limits how many you can activate unlike the regular option where I could activate as many as I wanted to at a time.
Hi @dj9,
are you on a single or multi WP config ?
Hello, I have 1 domain and 1 sub domain. is the main domain and , is the sub domain.
Have you installed both site on a same or separate WordPress, and same question about BuddyPress ?
Another question about 3500 pending request.
Are you sure these aren’t spammers ? Why are they pending ? Have you setup this behave or is it a sudden amount of registerer ?
Can you activate one account at time ? Or is only bulk activation defect ?
Yes buddypress is on both pages, I control both pages through 1 cpanel, and yes I can activate 1 at a time, the bulk is what is not working. I always have had pending since I started my page and the bulk activate use to work just fine. I have separate plugin ins to catch spammers and spam. I only use the settings buddypress comes with, no mods at all.
One other thing, yes I have uninstalled buddypress and tried a fresh download and it is up to date and still the same.
It’s unclear to me how your site is installed and set up.
And you haven’t answered to have you installed both site on a same or separate WordPress ?
And on which domain is the issue ? Where can our user register (domain or sub-domain) ? Seems they register separately for each site ?
cPanel isn’t concerned, that’s your hosting management interface.
Yes , they can register separate on both sites. Buddypress isnt working right on either site and use to. Thats the main point with this post, it was working and now it isnt, I really dont see why why this is hard to understand. I am using another plugin to activate my subscribers like i said before but it doesnt let you do bulk in high numbers. It is called, BP registration options. I have 2 databases and the pages are set up individually and buddypress is not working on either like it use to. I guess if I cannot get the proper help with your plugins I could always change it to the ultimate member plugin or something else. Buddypress has an issue right now, at least with bulk activating, was trying to get a simple answer to what is wrong, but it seems your more concerned with not saying anything is wrong with your plugin instead of trying to help fix it.
No need to be rude. I’m trying to help you by asking questions, that’s all.
As you use a third party plugin, i suggest you to deactivate it or even, to remove it completely and to test WP+BP only. Don’t know the plugin you mention, but one thing is sure, something is going wrong. On a standart install, handling pending members is generally not a problem.
WP was updated 48 hours ago to 4.3 and is working flawless with BP2.3.2.1. (i have 6 BP site running on different configuration, without issues). If your issue appeared after this update, it is possible that a plugin is now no more able to work correctly with this new release.
FYI, BRO is compatible up to: 4.2.4 and was last updated: 2015-7-21. Pretty recent, but who knows where the error comes from ? Have you asked for that issue on the plugin support ? No…
If you thing it is an issue with BuddyPress, report the bug, describe the way to reproduce by opening a ticket on BuddyPress Trac, the only place where you can expect a fix. If BP devs agree with the issue.
More about BP bugs on Codex.
Wasnt being rude, just a little fed up. It didnt work before the update either and i thought this was the place to post issues. The 3rd party plugin is the only way to activate my pending accounts since buudypress cant do it right. If your the moderator in here then you should also report the issue with it. Like i said earlier your not the only social plugin in town anymore, either find a solution for buddypress issues or i will just go use something else. We been at this 2-3 days now and if you still havent reported it then your not doing your job either, gimme a break on the rude thing, its your plugin thats not working right ok.
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